
Flink Jira Bot closed FLINK-1536.
    Resolution: Auto Closed

This issue was labeled "stale-minor" 7 ago and has not received any updates so 
I have gone ahead and closed it.  If you are still affected by this or would 
like to raise the priority of this ticket please re-open, removing the label 
"auto-closed" and raise the ticket priority accordingly.

> Graph partitioning operators for Gelly
> --------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-1536
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1536
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Library / Graph Processing (Gelly)
>            Reporter: Vasia Kalavri
>            Assignee: Ivan Mushketyk
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: auto-closed, stale-assigned
> Smart graph partitioning can significantly improve the performance and 
> scalability of graph analysis applications. Depending on the computation 
> pattern, a graph partitioning algorithm divides the graph into (maybe 
> overlapping) subgraphs, optimizing some objective. For example, if 
> communication is performed across graph edges, one might want to minimize the 
> edges that cross from one partition to another.
> The problem of graph partitioning is a well studied problem and several 
> algorithms have been proposed in the literature. The goal of this project 
> would be to choose a few existing partitioning techniques and implement the 
> corresponding graph partitioning operators for Gelly.
> Some related literature can be found [here| 
> http://www.citeulike.org/user/vasiakalavri/tag/graph-partitioning].

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