akalash commented on a change in pull request #15885:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/15885#discussion_r633578223

File path: 
@@ -153,7 +153,12 @@ public BufferRecycler getRecycler() {
     public void recycle() {
-        recycler.recycle(memorySegment);
+        // If at least one consumer was created then they responsible for the 
memory recycling
+        // because BufferBuilder doesn't contain a references counter so it 
will be impossible to
+        // correctly recycle memory here.
+        if (!bufferConsumerCreated) {
+            recycler.recycle(memorySegment);
+        }

Review comment:
       Yes, it is still definitely a hack. In my opinion, the right solution is 
to avoid direct writing into `MemorySegment`  from `BufferBuilder`. It means we 
just should change the implementation of `BufferBuilder` in such a way that 
using `Buffer` instead of `MemorySegment`. As I understand now you don't have 
any objections about such a solution if the benchmark doesn't show any 
   In any case, some answers to the questions:
   - The contract is simple - `BufferBuilder#recycle()` should be called always 
when `BufferBuilder` is not needed anymore. You don't need to think 
`BufferConsumer` was created or not.
   - In general, renaming `recycle()` to `close()` makes sense to me since 
`BufferBuilder` doesn't have `retain` method and ideally, should be closed 
after usage.(we can think about it when we will agree on a final solution)
   - There are a couple of problems still not resolved - writing to already 
released `memorySegment` or creating 'BufferConsumer' from already closed 
'BufferBuilder'. They both can be resolved by solution which we already 
discussed(using `Buffer` instead of `memorySegment` inside of `BufferBuilder`)

File path: 
@@ -120,38 +120,36 @@ public void checkpointStopped(long checkpointId) {
     public void onRecoveredStateBuffer(Buffer buffer) {
-        boolean recycleBuffer = true;
-        try {
-            final boolean wasEmpty;
-            synchronized (receivedBuffers) {
-                // Similar to notifyBufferAvailable(), make sure that we never 
add a buffer
-                // after releaseAllResources() released all buffers from 
-                if (isReleased) {
-                    wasEmpty = false;
-                } else {
-                    wasEmpty = receivedBuffers.isEmpty();
-                    receivedBuffers.add(buffer);
-                    recycleBuffer = false;
-                }
-            }
-            if (wasEmpty) {
-                notifyChannelNonEmpty();
-            }
-        } finally {
-            if (recycleBuffer) {
-                buffer.recycleBuffer();
+        final boolean wasEmpty;
+        synchronized (receivedBuffers) {
+            // Similar to notifyBufferAvailable(), make sure that we never add 
a buffer
+            // after releaseAllResources() released all buffers from 
+            if (isReleased) {
+                wasEmpty = false;
+            } else {
+                wasEmpty = receivedBuffers.isEmpty();
+                receivedBuffers.add(buffer.retainBuffer());

Review comment:
       Just in case, a little spoiler - these changes are not a target of the 
current task so I can easily revert these changes.
   Of course, it is not ok, that there are inconsistent between different parts 
of the code. So I will change everything in the same manner when we agree with 
the solution(or will do nothing if we decide to leave everything as is). 
   According to the original question. As I see right now there is no clear 
pattern of usage retain/release. It is why I want to find something which will 
be understandable for everybody. In my opinion, the classic pattern of 
reference/resource counter looks like the following: 
   - if you request resources no matter what happens next you should release 
this resource. 
   - If you share a resource you should increase the counter(ideally, you are 
able to share only via a specific structure that does all work for you. ex. 
BufferList instead of List<Buffer> which retain buffer automatically)
   - If you passive consumer which receives resources from outside you should 
do nothing with the management of resources.
   void wrong() {
     Buffer buf = getOrCreate();//request resource without release
   void right() {
     Buffer buf = getOrCreate();//request resource
     try {
     } finally {
   void wrong(Buffer buf) {
     buf.relase();//how I can be sure that it is enough of counter.
     buf.retain();//retain without release, can be surprising for the caller of 
this method.
   void right(Buffer buf) {
     buf.retain();//useless but possible
     try {
     } finally {
   void wrong(Buffer buf) {
     Buffer buf = getOrCreate();//request resource
     list.add(buf);//too dangerous. can lead to leak after refactoring. but 
possible in extreme cases for good performance.
   void right(Buffer buf) {
     Buffer buf = getOrCreate();//request resource
     try {
       list.add(buf.retain()); //it is better to have BufferList with automatic 
'retain' but this is also possible.
     } finally {
   void right(Buffer buf) {
     list.add(buf.retain()); //it is better to have BufferList with automatic 
'retain' but this is also possible.
     buf.retain(); //again, it is better to have something more specific for 
sharing resources with other threads but this also works.
     executor.submit(()-> /* some work with buffer*/);
   So let's discuss what do you think about it. And maybe you can provide your 
rules of using retain/release pattern which I didn't realize from the code.

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