
wangwj commented on FLINK-10644:

Hi Till.

I am come from the search and recommendation department of Alibaba in China.
Our big data processing platform uses Flink Batch to process extremely huge 
data every day.
There are many long-tail tasks every day, we can only manually go to the 
machine to kill the process and seriously affect the experience of the our 
users. So I made up my mind to solve this problem.

First of all, I think that speculative execution means that two executions in a 
ExecutionVertex run at the same time. While failover means that two tasks run 
at different times. Based on this theory, I think this feature(speculative 
execution) is definitely achievable. Finally, the facts proved that my idea was 

So I have implemented a speculative execution for batch job based on Blink, and 
it has a very significant effect in our product cluster. My approach is as 
follows, happy to discuss them.

(1)Which kind of ExecutionJobVertex is suitable enable speculative execution 
feature in a batch job?
Because of the speculative execution feature involves the implementation 
details of the region failover. After research, I have decided a 
ExecutionJobVertex will enable speculative execution feature only if all input 
edges and output edges of this ExecutionJobVertex are blocking.

(2)How to distinguish long tail task?
I distinguish long tail task based on current time and the execution first 
create/deploying time before it failover.
For ExecutionJobVertex that meets the condition (1)
When a configurable percentage of executions have been finished in an 
ExecutionJobVertex, the speculative execution thread starts to really work.
In an ExecutionJobVertex, when the running time of a execution is a 
configurable multiple of the median running time of other finished executions, 
this execution is judged as long tail execution.

(3)How to make the speculative execution algorithm more precise?
Baesd on the speculative execution algorithm in (2), In our product cluster, I 
can completely solve the long tail problem.
In the next step, we will add the throughput of the task to the speculative 
execution algorithm through the heartbeat of TaskManager with JobManager.

(4)How schedule another Execution in an same ExecutionVertex?
We have changed the currentExecution in ExecutionVertex to a list, which means 
that there can be multiple executions in an ExecutionVertex at the same time.
Then we reuse the current scheduling logic to schedule the speculative 
execution execution.

(5)How to make the speculative task runs on a different machine from the 
original task.
We have implemented a machine-dimensional blacklist,and add the machine ip in 
the blacklist when a execution is a long tail execution base on speculative 
execution algorithm in (2). The blacklist has the ability of timed out.

(6)How to avoid errors when multiple executions finish at the same time in an 
In ExecutionVertex executionFinished() method, I have done multi-thread 
synchronization, to ensure that an ExecutionVertex will eventually have only 
one execution successfully finished, and other executions will all go to the 
cancellation logic.

(7)How to deal with multiple sink files in one ExecutionVertex when the job is 
sink to files?
When batch job will sink to file, we will add an executionAttemptID suffix to 
the file name.
Finally in finalizeOnMaster() I will delete or rename them.
Here we should pay attention to the situation of flink stream job processing 
bounded data sets.

(8)In batch job with all-to-all shuffle, how do we let the downstream original 
execution and speculative execution know which ResultSubPartition to read of 
upstream task?
Two executions of a upstream ExecutionVertex will produce two 
ResultPartition。When edge is blocking between upstream  and down stream. When 
upstream ExecutionVertex have finished we will update the input channel of down 
stream execution to the fastest finished execution of upstream.
Here we should pay attention to the situation that the down stream execution 
when meet DataConsumptionException. It will restarts with the upstream 
execution that has been finished.
Here we should pay attention to the situation of flink stream job processing 
bounded data sets.

(9)How to display information about speculative task on the Flink web ui.
After I have implemented this feature. When speculative execution runs faster 
then original execution, the flink ui will show that this task has been 
cancelled. But the result of the job is correct, which is in full compliance 
with our expectations.
I don’t know much about the web,I will ask my colleague for help.

I am very interested in this issue, and my implementation has played a big role 
in our product cluster in Alibaba。
Happy to discuss it, and could you assign this issue to me?

> Batch Job: Speculative execution
> --------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10644
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10644
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Runtime / Coordination
>            Reporter: JIN SUN
>            Assignee: BoWang
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: stale-assigned
> Strugglers/outlier are tasks that run slower than most of the all tasks in a 
> Batch Job, this somehow impact job latency, as pretty much this straggler 
> will be in the critical path of the job and become as the bottleneck.
> Tasks may be slow for various reasons, including hardware degradation, or 
> software mis-configuration, or noise neighboring. It's hard for JM to predict 
> the runtime.
> To reduce the overhead of strugglers, other system such as Hadoop/Tez, Spark 
> has *_speculative execution_*. Speculative execution is a health-check 
> procedure that checks for tasks to be speculated, i.e. running slower in a 
> ExecutionJobVertex than the median of all successfully completed tasks in 
> that EJV, Such slow tasks will be re-submitted to another TM. It will not 
> stop the slow tasks, but run a new copy in parallel. And will kill the others 
> if one of them complete.
> This JIRA is an umbrella to apply this kind of idea in FLINK. Details will be 
> append later.

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