Github user rawkintrevo commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{TypeInformation, 
    +import org.apache.flink.api.scala. DataSet
    +import org.apache.flink.api.scala.utils._
    +import{FlinkMLTools, ParameterMap, 
    +import _root_.scala.reflect.ClassTag
    +object Splitter {
    +  case class TrainTestDataSet[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag](training: 
    +                                                             testing: 
    +  case class TrainTestHoldoutDataSet[T: TypeInformation : 
ClassTag](training: DataSet[T],
testing: DataSet[T],
holdout: DataSet[T])
    +  // 
    +  //  randomSplit
    +  // 
    +  /**
    +   * Split a DataSet by the probability fraction of each element.
    +   *
    +   * @param input           DataSet to be split
    +   * @param fraction        Probability that each element is chosen, 
should be [0,1] without
    +   *                        replacement, and [0, ∞) with replacement. 
While fraction is larger
    +   *                        than 1, the elements are expected to be 
selected multi times into
    +   *                        sample on average. This fraction refers to the 
first element in the
    +   *                        resulting array.
    +   * @param precise         Sampling by default is random and can result 
in slightly lop-sided
    +   *                        sample sets. When precise is true, equal 
sample set size are forced,
    +   *                        however this is somewhat less efficient.
    +   * @param seed            Random number generator seed.
    +   * @return An array of two datasets
    +   */
    +  def randomSplit[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag]( input: DataSet[T],
    +                                                  fraction: Double,
    +                                                  precise: Boolean = false,
    +                                                  seed: Long = 
    +  : Array[DataSet[T]] = {
    +    import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
    +    val indexedInput: DataSet[(Long, T)] = input.zipWithIndex
    +    val leftSplit: DataSet[(Long, T)] = precise match {
    +      case false => indexedInput.sample(false, fraction, seed)
    +      case true => {
    +        val count = indexedInput.count()
    +        val numOfSamples = math.round(fraction * count).toInt
    +        indexedInput.sampleWithSize(false, numOfSamples, seed)
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val rightSplit: DataSet[(Long, T)] = indexedInput.leftOuterJoin[(Long, 
    +      .where(0)
    +      .equalTo(0) {
    +        (full: (Long,T) , left: (Long, T)) =>  (if (left == null) full 
else null)
    +      }
    +      .filter( o => o != null )
    +    Array( => o._2), => o._2))
    +  }
    +  // 
    +  //  multiRandomSplit
    +  // 
    +  /**
    +   * Split a DataSet by the probability fraction of each element of a 
    +   *
    +   * @param input           DataSet to be split
    +   * @param fracArray       An array of PROPORTIONS for splitting the 
DataSet. Unlike the
    +   *                        randomSplit function, number greater than 1 do 
not lead to over
    +   *                        sampling. The number of splits is dictated by 
the length of this array.
    +   *                        The number are normalized, eg. Array(1.0, 2.0) 
would yield
    +   *                        two data sets with a 33/66% split.
    +   * @param precise         Sampling by default is random and can result 
in slightly lop-sided
    +   *                        sample sets. When precise is true, equal 
sample set size are forced,
    +   *                        however this is somewhat less efficient.
    +   * @param seed            Random number generator seed.
    +   * @return An array of DataSets whose length is equal to the length of 
    +   */
    +  def multiRandomSplit[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag](input: DataSet[T],
    +                        fracArray: Array[Double],
    +                        precise: Boolean = false,
    +                        seed: Long = Utils.RNG.nextLong())
    +  : Array[DataSet[T]] = {
    +    val splits = fracArray.length
    +    val output = new Array[DataSet[T]](splits)
    +    val aggs = fracArray.scanRight((0.0))( _ + _ )
    +    val fracs = o => o._1 / o._2)
    +    ////
    +    var tempDS = input
    +    for (k <- 0 to splits-2){
    +      println( (splits -k))
    +      var temp = Splitter.randomSplit(tempDS, fracs(k), true)
    +      output(k) = temp(0)
    +      tempDS = temp(1)
    +    }
    +    output(splits-1) = tempDS
    +    output
    +  }
    +  // 
    +  //  kFoldSplit
    +  // 
    +  /**
    +   * Split a DataSet into an array of TrainTest DataSets
    +   *
    +   * @param input           DataSet to be split
    +   * @param kFolds          The number of TrainTest DataSets to be 
returns. Each 'testing' will be
    +   *                        1/k of the dataset, randomly sampled, the 
training will be the remainder
    +   *                        of the dataset.  The DataSet is split into 
kFolds first, so that no
    +   *                        observation will occurin in multiple folds.
    +   * @param precise         Sampling by default is random and can result 
in slightly lop-sided
    +   *                        sample sets. When precise is true, equal 
sample set size are forced,
    +   *                        however this is somewhat less efficient.
    +   * @param seed            Random number generator seed.
    +   * @return An array of TrainTestDataSets
    +   */
    +  def kFoldSplit[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag](input: DataSet[T],
    +                                                kFolds: Int,
    +                                                precise: Boolean = false,
    +                                                seed: Long = 
    +  : Array[TrainTestDataSet[T]] = {
    +    val fracs = Array.fill(kFolds)(1.0)
    +    val dataSetArray = multiRandomSplit(input, fracs, precise, seed)
    + ds => TrainTestDataSet(ds._1,
unionDataSetArray(dataSetArray.filter(_ != ds._1))) )
    +  }
    +  def unionDataSetArray[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag](dsa : 
Array[DataSet[T]]): DataSet[T] = {
    +    var dsu = dsa(0)
    +    for (k <- 1 to dsa.length-1) {
    +      dsu = dsu.union(dsa(k))
    +    }
    +    dsu
    +  }
    +  // 
    +  //  trainTestSplit
    +  // 
    +  /**
    +   * A wrapper for randomSplit that yields a TrainTestDataSet
    +   *
    +   * @param input           DataSet to be split
    +   * @param fraction        Probability that each element is chosen, 
should be [0,1] without
    +   *                        replacement, and [0, ∞) with replacement. 
While fraction is larger
    +   *                        than 1, the elements are expected to be 
selected multi times into
    +   *                        sample on average. This fraction refers to the 
training element in
    +   *                        TrainTestSplit
    +   * @param precise         Sampling by default is random and can result 
in slightly lop-sided
    +   *                        sample sets. When precise is true, equal 
sample set size are forced,
    +   *                        however this is somewhat less efficient.
    +   * @param seed            Random number generator seed.
    +   * @return A TrainTestDataSet
    +   */
    +  def trainTestSplit[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag]( input: DataSet[T],
    +                                                     fraction: Double = 
    +                                                     precise: Boolean = 
    +                                                     seed: Long = 
    +  : TrainTestDataSet[T] = {
    +    val dataSetArray = randomSplit(input, fraction, precise, seed)
    +    TrainTestDataSet(dataSetArray(0), dataSetArray(1))
    +  }
    +  // 
    +  //  trainTestHoldoutSplit
    +  // 
    +  /**
    +   * A wrapper for multiRandomSplit that yields a TrainTestHoldoutDataSet
    +   *
    +   * @param input           DataSet to be split
    +   * @param fracArray       An array of length 3, where the first element 
specifies the size of the
    +   *                        training set, the second element the testing 
set, and the third
    +   *                        element is the holdout set. These are 
proportional and will be
    +   *                        normalized internally.
    +   * @param precise         Sampling by default is random and can result 
in slightly lop-sided
    +   *                        sample sets. When precise is true, equal 
sample set size are forced,
    +   *                        however this is somewhat less efficient.
    +   * @param seed            Random number generator seed.
    +   * @return A TrainTestDataSet
    +   */
    +  def trainTestHoldoutSplit[T: TypeInformation : ClassTag](input: 
    +                                                    fracArray: 
Array[Double] = Array(0.6,0.3,0.1),
    --- End diff --
    couldn't figure a way to coerce a tuple3 into a typed array that was less 
invasive than simply throwing the exception.

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