
Flink Jira Bot commented on FLINK-20370:

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> Result is wrong when sink primary key is not the same with query
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-20370
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20370
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Table SQL / Planner
>    Affects Versions: 1.12.0
>            Reporter: Jark Wu
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: stale-major
> Both sources are upsert-kafka which synchronizes the changes from MySQL 
> tables (source_city, source_customer). The sink is another MySQL table which 
> is in upsert mode with "city_name" primary key. The join key is "city_id". 
> In this case, the result will be wrong when updating 
> {{source_city.city_name}} column in MySQL, as the UPDATE_BEFORE is ignored 
> and the old city_name is retained in the sink table. 
> {code}
> Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.sink_kafka_count_city], 
> fields=[city_name, count_customer, sum_gender], changelogMode=[NONE])
> +- Calc(select=[city_name, CAST(count_customer) AS count_customer, 
> CAST(sum_gender) AS sum_gender], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>    +- Join(joinType=[InnerJoin], where=[=(city_id, id)], select=[city_id, 
> count_customer, sum_gender, id, city_name], 
> leftInputSpec=[JoinKeyContainsUniqueKey], 
> rightInputSpec=[JoinKeyContainsUniqueKey], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>       :- Exchange(distribution=[hash[city_id]], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>       :  +- GlobalGroupAggregate(groupBy=[city_id], select=[city_id, 
> COUNT_RETRACT(count1$0) AS count_customer, SUM_RETRACT((sum$1, count$2)) AS 
> sum_gender], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>       :     +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[city_id]], changelogMode=[I])
>       :        +- LocalGroupAggregate(groupBy=[city_id], select=[city_id, 
> COUNT_RETRACT(*) AS count1$0, SUM_RETRACT(gender) AS (sum$1, count$2)], 
> changelogMode=[I])
>       :           +- Calc(select=[city_id, gender], changelogMode=[I,UB,UA,D])
>       :              +- ChangelogNormalize(key=[customer_id], 
> changelogMode=[I,UB,UA,D])
>       :                 +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[customer_id]], 
> changelogMode=[UA,D])
>       :                    +- MiniBatchAssigner(interval=[3000ms], 
> mode=[ProcTime], changelogMode=[UA,D])
>       :                       +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, 
> default_database, source_customer]], fields=[customer_id, city_id, age, 
> gender, update_time], changelogMode=[UA,D])
>       +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[id]], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>          +- ChangelogNormalize(key=[id], changelogMode=[I,UA,D])
>             +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[id]], changelogMode=[UA,D])
>                +- MiniBatchAssigner(interval=[3000ms], mode=[ProcTime], 
> changelogMode=[UA,D])
>                   +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, 
> default_database, source_city]], fields=[id, city_name], changelogMode=[UA,D])
> {code}
> We have suggested users to use the same key of the query as the primary key 
> on sink in the documentation: 
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-master/dev/table/sql/queries.html#deduplication.
>  We should make this attention to be more highlight in CREATE TABLE page. 

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