
Flink Jira Bot updated FLINK-10518:
    Labels: Source:FileSystem stale-assigned  (was: Source:FileSystem)

> Inefficient design in ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10518
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10518
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Connectors / FileSystem
>    Affects Versions: 1.5.2
>            Reporter: Huyen Levan
>            Assignee: Guibo Pan
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: Source:FileSystem, stale-assigned
> The ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction class keeps track of the latest file 
> modification time to rule out all files it has processed in the previous 
> cycles. For a long-running job, the list of eligible files will be much 
> smaller than the list of all files in the folder being monitored.
> In the current implementation of the getInputSplitsSortedByModTime method, a 
> (big) list of all available splits are created first, and then every single 
> split is checked with the list of eligible files.
> {quote}for (FileInputSplit split: 
> format.createInputSplits(readerParallelism)) {
>  FileStatus fileStatus = eligibleFiles.get(split.getPath());
>  if (fileStatus != null) {
> {quote}
> The improvement can be done as:
>  * Listing of all files should be done once in 
> _ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction.listEligibleFiles()_ (as of now it is done 
> the 2nd time in _FileInputFormat.createInputSplits()_ )
>  * The list of file-splits should then be created from the list of paths in 
> eligibleFiles.

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