Github user dawidwys commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -98,6 +101,14 @@ public PartitionOperator(DataSet<T> input, Keys<T> 
pKeys, Partitioner<?> customP
                this.customPartitioner = customPartitioner;
                this.distribution = distribution;
    +   public PartitionOperator<T> withOrders(Order... orders) {
    --- End diff --
    Hi. I started working on this change, but I don't quite know how should I 
treat keyExpression (with wildcards especially). 
    Lets take some complex example:
    TypeInformation<Tuple3<Integer, Pojo1, PojoWithMultiplePojos>> ti =
                new TupleTypeInfo<>(
    ek = new ExpressionKeys<>(new String[] {"f2.p1.*", "f0"}, ti);
    public static class Pojo1 {
        public String a;
        public String b;
    public static class Pojo2 {
        public String a2;
        public String b2;
    public static class PojoWithMultiplePojos {
        public Pojo1 p1;
        public Pojo2 p2;
        public Integer i0;
    What should be the output of `ek.getOriginalKeyFieldTypes`?

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