rkhachatryan commented on a change in pull request #14740:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/14740#discussion_r573992537

File path: 
@@ -18,109 +18,498 @@
 package org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint;
+import org.apache.flink.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
 import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobID;
 import org.apache.flink.runtime.execution.ExecutionState;
 import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.Execution;
 import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionAttemptID;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionEdge;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionJobVertex;
 import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionVertex;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.DistributionPattern;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.IntermediateResultPartitionID;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.JobEdge;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.JobVertexID;
+import org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.strategy.ExecutionVertexID;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
 import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
+import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import java.util.stream.IntStream;
+import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
+import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkState;
 /** Computes the tasks to trigger, wait or commit for each checkpoint. */
 public class CheckpointPlanCalculator {
     private static final Logger LOG = 
     private final JobID jobId;
-    private final List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToTrigger;
+    private final CheckpointPlanCalculatorContext context;
+    private final List<ExecutionJobVertex> jobVerticesInTopologyOrder = new 
-    private final List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToWait;
+    private final List<ExecutionVertex> allTasks = new ArrayList<>();
-    private final List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToCommitTo;
+    private final List<ExecutionVertex> sourceTasks = new ArrayList<>();
     public CheckpointPlanCalculator(
             JobID jobId,
-            List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToTrigger,
-            List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToWait,
-            List<ExecutionVertex> tasksToCommitTo) {
+            CheckpointPlanCalculatorContext context,
+            Iterable<ExecutionJobVertex> jobVerticesInTopologyOrderIterable) {
+        this.jobId = checkNotNull(jobId);
+        this.context = checkNotNull(context);
+        checkNotNull(jobVerticesInTopologyOrderIterable);
+        jobVerticesInTopologyOrderIterable.forEach(
+                jobVertex -> {
+                    jobVerticesInTopologyOrder.add(jobVertex);
-        this.jobId = jobId;
-        this.tasksToTrigger = Collections.unmodifiableList(tasksToTrigger);
-        this.tasksToWait = Collections.unmodifiableList(tasksToWait);
-        this.tasksToCommitTo = Collections.unmodifiableList(tasksToCommitTo);
+                    if (jobVertex.getJobVertex().isInputVertex()) {
+                    }
+                });
-    public CheckpointPlan calculateCheckpointPlan() throws CheckpointException 
-        return new CheckpointPlan(
-                Collections.unmodifiableList(getTriggerExecutions()),
-                Collections.unmodifiableMap(getAckTasks()),
-                tasksToCommitTo);
+    public CompletableFuture<CheckpointPlan> calculateCheckpointPlan() {
+        return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
+                () -> {
+                    try {
+                        checkAllTasksInitiated();
+                        CheckpointPlan result =
+                                context.hasFinishedTasks()
+                                        ? calculateAfterTasksFinished()
+                                        : calculateWithAllTasksRunning();
+                        checkTasksStarted(result.getTasksToTrigger());
+                        return result;
+                    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+                        throw new CompletionException(throwable);
+                    }
+                },
+                context.getMainExecutor());
-     * Check if all tasks that we need to trigger are running. If not, abort 
the checkpoint.
+     * Checks if all tasks are attached with the current Execution already. 
This method should be
+     * called from JobMaster main thread executor.
-     * @return the executions need to be triggered.
-     * @throws CheckpointException the exception fails checking
+     * @throws CheckpointException if some tasks do not have attached 
-    private List<Execution> getTriggerExecutions() throws CheckpointException {
-        List<Execution> executionsToTrigger = new 
-        for (ExecutionVertex executionVertex : tasksToTrigger) {
-            Execution ee = executionVertex.getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
-            if (ee == null) {
-                LOG.info(
-                        "Checkpoint triggering task {} of job {} is not being 
executed at the moment. Aborting checkpoint.",
-                        executionVertex.getTaskNameWithSubtaskIndex(),
-                        executionVertex.getJobId());
+    private void checkAllTasksInitiated() throws CheckpointException {
+        for (ExecutionVertex task : allTasks) {
+            if (task.getCurrentExecutionAttempt() == null) {
                 throw new CheckpointException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "task %s of job %s is not being executed at 
the moment. Aborting checkpoint.",
+                                task.getTaskNameWithSubtaskIndex(), jobId),
-            } else if (ee.getState() == ExecutionState.RUNNING) {
-                executionsToTrigger.add(ee);
-            } else {
-                LOG.info(
-                        "Checkpoint triggering task {} of job {} is not in 
state {} but {} instead. Aborting checkpoint.",
-                        executionVertex.getTaskNameWithSubtaskIndex(),
-                        jobId,
-                        ExecutionState.RUNNING,
-                        ee.getState());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if all tasks to trigger have already been in RUNNING state. This 
method should be
+     * called from JobMaster main thread executor.
+     *
+     * @throws CheckpointException if some tasks to trigger have not turned 
into RUNNING yet.
+     */
+    private void checkTasksStarted(List<Execution> toTrigger) throws 
CheckpointException {
+        for (Execution execution : toTrigger) {
+            if (execution.getState() == ExecutionState.CREATED
+                    || execution.getState() == ExecutionState.SCHEDULED
+                    || execution.getState() == ExecutionState.DEPLOYING) {
                 throw new CheckpointException(
+                        String.format(
+                                "Checkpoint triggering task %s of job %s has 
not being executed at the moment. "
+                                        + "Aborting checkpoint.",
execution.getVertex().getTaskNameWithSubtaskIndex(), jobId),
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the checkpoint plan when all tasks are running. It would 
simply marks all the source
+     * tasks as need to trigger and all the tasks as need to wait and commit.
+     *
+     * @return The plan of this checkpoint.
+     */
+    private CheckpointPlan calculateWithAllTasksRunning() {
+        List<Execution> executionsToTrigger =
+                sourceTasks.stream()
+                        .map(ExecutionVertex::getCurrentExecutionAttempt)
+                        .collect(Collectors.toList());
+        Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> ackTasks = 
+        return new CheckpointPlan(
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(executionsToTrigger),
+                Collections.unmodifiableMap(ackTasks),
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(allTasks),
+                Collections.emptyList(),
+                Collections.emptyList());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the checkpoint plan after some tasks have finished. Due to the 
problem of the order
+     * of reporting FINISHED is nondeterministic, we have to first compute the 
accurate running
+     * tasks. Then we would iterate the job graph to find the task that is 
still running, but do not
+     * has precedent running tasks.
+     *
+     * @return The plan of this checkpoint.
+     */
+    private CheckpointPlan calculateAfterTasksFinished() {
+        Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> runningTasksByVertex = 
+        List<Execution> tasksToTrigger = new ArrayList<>();
+        Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> tasksToAck = new HashMap<>();
+        List<Execution> finishedTasks = new ArrayList<>();
+        List<ExecutionJobVertex> fullyFinishedJobVertex = new ArrayList<>();
+        for (ExecutionJobVertex jobVertex : jobVerticesInTopologyOrder) {
+            JobVertexTaskSet runningTasks = 
+            if (runningTasks.containsNoTasks()) {
+                fullyFinishedJobVertex.add(jobVertex);
+                Arrays.stream(jobVertex.getTaskVertices())
+                        .forEach(task -> 
+                continue;
+            }
+            List<JobEdge> prevJobEdges = jobVertex.getJobVertex().getInputs();
+            // this is an optimization: we determine at the JobVertex level if 
some tasks can even
+            // be eligible for being in the "triggerTo" set
+            boolean someTasksMustBeTriggered =
+                    someTasksMustBeTriggered(runningTasksByVertex, 
runningTasks, prevJobEdges);
+            for (ExecutionVertex vertex : jobVertex.getTaskVertices()) {
+                if (runningTasks.contains(vertex.getID())) {
tasksToAck.put(vertex.getCurrentExecutionAttempt().getAttemptId(), vertex);
+                    if (someTasksMustBeTriggered) {
+                        boolean hasRunningPrecedentTasks =
+                                hasRunningPrecedentTasks(
+                                        runningTasksByVertex, prevJobEdges, 
+                        if (!hasRunningPrecedentTasks) {
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    finishedTasks.add(vertex.getCurrentExecutionAttempt());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return new CheckpointPlan(
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(tasksToTrigger),
+                Collections.unmodifiableMap(tasksToAck),
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(
+                        tasksToAck.size() == allTasks.size()
+                                ? allTasks
+                                : new ArrayList<>(tasksToAck.values())),
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(finishedTasks),
+                Collections.unmodifiableList(fullyFinishedJobVertex));
+    }
-        return executionsToTrigger;
+    private boolean hasRunningPrecedentTasks(
+            Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> runningTasksByVertex,
+            List<JobEdge> prevJobEdges,
+            ExecutionVertex vertex) {
+        return IntStream.range(0, prevJobEdges.size())
+                .filter(
+                        i ->
+                                prevJobEdges.get(i).getDistributionPattern()
+                                        == DistributionPattern.POINTWISE)
+                .boxed()
+                .flatMap(i -> getPrecedentTasks(vertex, i).stream())
+                .anyMatch(
+                        precedentTask ->
+                                runningTasksByVertex
+                                        .get(precedentTask.getJobvertexId())
+                                        .contains(precedentTask.getID()));
+    }
+    private boolean someTasksMustBeTriggered(
+            Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> runningTasksByVertex,
+            JobVertexTaskSet runningTasks,
+            List<JobEdge> prevJobEdges) {
+        if (runningTasks.containsNoTasks()) {
+            // if this task doesn't have any running tasks, we cannot trigger 
+            return false;
+        }
+        for (JobEdge jobEdge : prevJobEdges) {
+            DistributionPattern distributionPattern = 
+            JobVertexTaskSet upstreamRunningTasks =
+            if (hasActiveUpstream(distributionPattern, upstreamRunningTasks)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
-     * Check if all tasks that need to acknowledge the checkpoint are running. 
If not, abort the
-     * checkpoint
+     * Every task must have active upstream tasks if
-     * @return the execution vertices which should give an ack response
-     * @throws CheckpointException the exception fails checking
+     * <ol>
+     *   <li>ALL_TO_ALL connection and some predecessors are still running.
+     *   <li>POINTWISE connection and all predecessors are still running.
+     * </ol>
+     *
+     * @param distribution The distribution pattern between the upstream 
vertex and the current
+     *     vertex.
+     * @param upstream The set of running tasks of the upstream vertex.
+     * @return Whether every task of the current vertex is connected to some 
active predecessors.
-    private Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> getAckTasks() throws 
CheckpointException {
-        Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> ackTasks = new 
+    private boolean hasActiveUpstream(DistributionPattern distribution, 
JobVertexTaskSet upstream) {
+        return (distribution == DistributionPattern.ALL_TO_ALL && 
+                || (distribution == DistributionPattern.POINTWISE && 
+    }
-        for (ExecutionVertex ev : tasksToWait) {
-            Execution ee = ev.getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
-            if (ee != null) {
-                ackTasks.put(ee.getAttemptId(), ev);
+    /**
+     * Compute the accurate running tasks for each job vertex. Currently if 
multiple tasks all
+     * finished in short period, the order of their reports of FINISHED is 
nondeterministic, and
+     * some tasks may report FINISHED before all its precedent tasks have.
+     *
+     * <p>To overcome this issue we would iterates the graph first to acquire 
the accurate running
+     * tasks. We would iterate the job graph in reverse topological order, and 
for each job vertex,
+     * we would remove those precedent tasks that connected to finished tasks 
of this job vertex
+     * from possibly running tasks.
+     *
+     * @return An accurate set of running tasks for each job vertex.
+     */
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> calculateRunningTasks() {
+        Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> runningTasksByVertex = new 
+        ListIterator<ExecutionJobVertex> jobVertexIterator =
+        while (jobVertexIterator.hasPrevious()) {
+            ExecutionJobVertex jobVertex = jobVertexIterator.previous();
+            List<JobEdge> outputJobEdges = getOutputJobEdges(jobVertex);
+            // we're lucky if this is true
+            if (isFinishedAccordingToDescendants(runningTasksByVertex, 
outputJobEdges)) {
+                runningTasksByVertex.put(
+                        jobVertex.getJobVertexId(), 
+                continue;
+            }
+            // not lucky, need to determine which of our tasks can still be 
+            Set<ExecutionVertexID> runningTasks =
+                    getRunningTasks(runningTasksByVertex, jobVertex, 
+            runningTasksByVertex.put(
+                    jobVertex.getJobVertexId(),
+                    JobVertexTaskSet.someTasks(jobVertex, runningTasks));
+        }
+        return runningTasksByVertex;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Determines the {@link ExecutionVertexID ExecutionVertexIDs} of those 
subtasks that are still
+     * running.
+     */
+    private Set<ExecutionVertexID> getRunningTasks(
+            Map<JobVertexID, JobVertexTaskSet> runningTasksByVertex,
+            ExecutionJobVertex jobVertex,
+            List<JobEdge> outputJobEdges) {
+        return Arrays.stream(jobVertex.getTaskVertices())
+                .filter(
+                        task -> {
+                            // the task is done if the execution graph thinks 
it is done
+                            if 
(task.getCurrentExecutionAttempt().isFinished()) {
+                                return false;
+                            }
+                            for (JobEdge edge : outputJobEdges) {
+                                if (edge.getDistributionPattern()
+                                        == DistributionPattern.POINTWISE) {

Review comment:
       Why do we check this only for `POINTWISE` connections? For `ALL_TO_ALL` 
downstream subtask to stop, all its upstreams must send `EndOfPartition`, no?
   Or is it an optimization to avoid O(n^2)?
   It's the same as above: covered by `isFinishedAccordingToDescendants` :) 

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