
Arvid Heise updated FLINK-20654:
    Release Note: 
Using unaligned checkpoints in Flink 1.12.0 combined with two/multiple inputs 
tasks or with union inputs for single input tasks can result in corrupted 

This can happen if a new checkpoint is triggered before recovery is fully 
completed. For state to be corrupted a task with two or more input gates must 
receive a checkpoint barrier exactly at the same time this tasks finishes 
recovering spilled in-flight data. In such case this new checkpoint can 
succeed, with corrupted/missing in-flight data, which will result in various 
deserialisation/corrupted data stream errors when someone attempts to recover 
from such corrupted checkpoint.

Using unaligned checkpoints in Flink 1.12.1, a corruption may occur in the 
checkpoint following a declined checkpoint.

A late barrier of a canceled checkpoint may lead to buffers being not written 
into the successive checkpoint, such that recovery is not possible. This 
happens, when the next checkpoint barrier arrives at a given operator before 
all previous barriers arrived, which can only happen after cancellation in 
unaligned checkpoints.  

Using UnalignedCheckpoints in Flink 1.12.0 combined with two/multiple inputs 
tasks or with union inputs for single input tasks can result in corrupted 

This can happen if a new checkpoint is triggered before recovery is fully 
completed. For state to be corrupted a task with two or more input gates must 
receive a checkpoint barrier exactly at the same time this tasks finishes 
recovering spilled in-flight data. In such case this new checkpoint can 
succeed, with corrupted/missing in-flight data, which will result in various 
deserialisation/corrupted data stream errors when someone attempts to recover 
from such corrupted checkpoint.

Using unaligned checkpoints in Flink 1.12.1, a corruption may occur in the 
checkpoint following a declined checkpoint.

A late barrier of a canceled checkpoint may lead to buffers being not written 
into the successive checkpoint, such that recovery is not possible. This 
happens, when the next checkpoint barrier arrives at a given operator before 
all previous barriers arrived, which can only happen after cancellation in 
unaligned checkpoints.  

> Unaligned checkpoint recovery may lead to corrupted data stream
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-20654
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-20654
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Runtime / Checkpointing
>    Affects Versions: 1.12.0, 1.12.1
>            Reporter: Arvid Heise
>            Assignee: Roman Khachatryan
>            Priority: Blocker
>              Labels: pull-request-available, test-stability
>             Fix For: 1.13.0, 1.12.2
> Fix of FLINK-20433 shows potential corruption after recovery for all 
> variations of UnalignedCheckpointITCase.
> To reproduce, run UCITCase a couple hundreds times. The issue showed for me 
> in:
> - execute [Parallel union, p = 5]
> - execute [Parallel union, p = 10]
> - execute [Parallel cogroup, p = 5]
> - execute [parallel pipeline with remote channels, p = 5]
> with decreasing frequency.
> The issue manifests as one of the following issues:
> - stream corrupted exception
> - EOF exception
> - assertion failure in NUM_LOST or NUM_OUT_OF_ORDER
> - (for union) ArithmeticException overflow (because the number that should be 
> [0;100000] has been mis-deserialized)

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