
Robert Metzger updated FLINK-19382:
    Component/s: Runtime / State Backends

> Introducing ReplayableSourceStateBackend
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-19382
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-19382
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Runtime / State Backends
>            Reporter: Theo Diefenthal
>            Priority: Major
> I got the idea of a new StateBackend simply called "ReplayableSource". This 
> statebackend would be bound by a number of limitations, but in the few areas, 
> it could improve the pipeline performance by magnitudes which makes me think 
> it's worth debating about it.
> I'd like to start with describing two useful scenarios for such a state 
> backend before debating more about the backend. Both scenarios share that 
> they read data from kafka and process that via Flink.
> Scenario 1: Buffering data. Currently I'm developing a pipeline where 
> directly post to reading the data, I need to buffer it for 1 minute in event 
> time. This is due to inter-event-dependencies: If within one minute a certain 
> event arrives, I have to enrich information to the first event. Right now, I 
> store the 1 minute event time data in Flink State leading to checkpointing 
> the entire buffer on each checkpoint and making it impossible for me to use 
> exactly-once processing (We want to have as low latency as possible, i.e. 
> after buffering at maximum a few seconds while simoulatenously having high 
> volume of data).
> Scenario 2: Performing Flink SQL CEP Queries. CEP Queries naturally have 
> inter-event-dependencies. Having simple MATCH_RECOGNIZE queries directly post 
> to a kafka source often lead to requiring RocksDB state backend and slow 
> performance.
> The idea: Instead of storing the entire state, we could simply store a kafka 
> offset. When restoring the state from savepoint, all the state could be 
> restored by reading from kafka. The checkpoint size would thus be reduced 
> from huge sizes down to just a few numbers which allows frequent and fast 
> checkpointing.
> Limitations:
>  * This would only work for fully deterministic/replayable streaming jobs. If 
> a certain operator within the pipeline is not determinstic, a replay could 
> cause another result.
>  * The source must be replayable, e.g. kafka
>  * This would also only work for "short-state-living" pipelines. There are 
> many pipelines which build up their state over days, month or even years. 
> Restoring such a state by replaying all the data over that time would be 
> almost impossible, especially as kafka usually has a retention of something 
> like a week configured. However, there are also many queries with 
> short-lived-state like the mentioned CEP usecase where one usually have 
> patterns defined in timeframes of second, minutes, hours or a few days for 
> the event correlation.
>  * Not sure if there are more limitations with regards to 
> windowing/watermarks or similar things which would make that feature 
> impossible!?
> For certain scenarios, this feature would obviously be dumb, most likely for 
> windows pipelines. It is certainly much cheapter to e.g. store a COUNT per 
> window then replaying all events per window in order to restore that COUNT. 
> But I'm focusing on something like CEP.

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