dawidwys opened a new pull request #13373:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/13373

   ## What is the purpose of the change
   This PR upgrades the default version of avro that Flink will use. It makes 
Flink no longer in sync with the version of avro used in Hadoop. Users might 
need to downgrade the version of avro, if they want to use Hadoop classes that 
transitively use avro.
   Moreover it provides an uber-jar with all avro dependencies bundled for 
   ## Brief change log
   * Fix field access in Pojo comparator for cases when the record did not go 
through serialization and private fields where not made accessible
   * Fixes the interpretation of TIMESTAMP_WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE in 
AvroRowData(De)SerializationSchema (previously it was handled as if it was 
   * Added handling of timestamp-micros and time-micros in 
   * Upgraded avro to version 1.10
   * Created module flink-sql-avro that creates an uber jar for sql-client
   Some issues that might need a second opinion:
   * this PR changes the artifact name for avro sql jar. Before users were 
supposed to use `flink-avro-sql-jar*`. Now to align with other sql modules 
(parquet, orc) I introduced `flink-sql-avro*`
   * we do not shade avro in the uber jar. We shade avro's dependencies. Other 
sql-client modules such as e.g. parquet or orc do not shade anything.
   ## Verifying this change
   This change is already covered by existing tests.
   ## Does this pull request potentially affect one of the following parts:
     - Dependencies (does it add or upgrade a dependency): (**yes** / no)
     - The public API, i.e., is any changed class annotated with 
`@Public(Evolving)`: (yes / **no**)
     - The serializers: (yes / **no** / don't know)
     - The runtime per-record code paths (performance sensitive): (yes / **no** 
/ don't know)
     - Anything that affects deployment or recovery: JobManager (and its 
components), Checkpointing, Kubernetes/Yarn/Mesos, ZooKeeper: (yes / **no** / 
don't know)
     - The S3 file system connector: (yes / **no** / don't know)
   ## Documentation
     - Does this pull request introduce a new feature? (yes / **no**)
     - If yes, how is the feature documented? (**not applicable** / docs / 
JavaDocs / not documented)

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