XComp commented on a change in pull request #13111:
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/13111#discussion_r469865932

File path: flink-core/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/util/ExceptionUtils.java
@@ -110,51 +112,76 @@ public static boolean 
isJvmFatalOrOutOfMemoryError(Throwable t) {
-        * Tries to enrich the passed exception with additional information.
-        *
-        * <p>This method improves error message for direct and metaspace 
{@link OutOfMemoryError}.
-        * It adds description of possible causes and ways of resolution.
-        *
-        * @param exception exception to enrich if not {@code null}
-        * @return the enriched exception or the original if no additional 
information could be added;
-        * {@code null} if the argument was {@code null}
+        * Tries to enrich OutOfMemoryErrors being part of the passed root 
Throwable's cause tree.
+        *
+        * <p>This method improves error messages for direct and metaspace 
{@link OutOfMemoryError}.
+        * It adds description about the possible causes and ways of resolution.
+        *
+        * @param root The Throwable of which the cause tree shall be traversed.
+        * @param jvmMetaspaceOomNewErrorMessage The message being used for JVM 
metaspace-related OutOfMemoryErrors. Passing
+        *                                       <code>null</code> will disable 
handling this class of error.
+        * @param jvmDirectOomNewErrorMessage The message being used for direct 
memory-related OutOfMemoryErrors. Passing
+        *                                    <code>null</code> will disable 
handling this class of error.
+        * @param jvmHeapSpaceOomNewErrorMessage The message being used for 
Heap space-related OutOfMemoryErrors. Passing
+        *                                       <code>null</code> will disable 
handling this class of error.
-       @Nullable
-       public static Throwable tryEnrichOutOfMemoryError(
-                       @Nullable Throwable exception,
-                       String jvmMetaspaceOomNewErrorMessage,
-                       String jvmDirectOomNewErrorMessage) {
-               boolean isOom = exception instanceof OutOfMemoryError;
-               if (!isOom) {
-                       return exception;
-               }
-               OutOfMemoryError oom = (OutOfMemoryError) exception;
-               if (isMetaspaceOutOfMemoryError(oom)) {
-                       return changeOutOfMemoryErrorMessage(oom, 
-               } else if (isDirectOutOfMemoryError(oom)) {
-                       return changeOutOfMemoryErrorMessage(oom, 
-               }
+       public static void tryEnrichOutOfMemoryError(
+                       @Nullable Throwable root,
+                       @Nullable String jvmMetaspaceOomNewErrorMessage,
+                       @Nullable String jvmDirectOomNewErrorMessage,
+                       @Nullable String jvmHeapSpaceOomNewErrorMessage) {
+               updateDetailMessage(root, t -> {
+                       if (isMetaspaceOutOfMemoryError(t)) {
+                               return jvmMetaspaceOomNewErrorMessage;
+                       } else if (isDirectOutOfMemoryError(t)) {
+                               return jvmDirectOomNewErrorMessage;
+                       } else if (isHeapSpaceOutOfMemoryError(t)) {
+                               return jvmHeapSpaceOomNewErrorMessage;
+                       }
-               return oom;
+                       return null;
+               });
-        * Rewrites the error message of a {@link OutOfMemoryError}.
+        * Updates the error message of the first Throwable appearing in the 
cause tree of the passed root Throwable and
+        * matching the passed Predicate by traversing the cause tree 
-        * @param oom original {@link OutOfMemoryError}
-        * @param newMessage new error message
-        * @return the origianl {@link OutOfMemoryError} if it already has the 
new error message or
-        * a new {@link OutOfMemoryError} with the new error message
+        * @param root The Throwable whose cause tree shall be traversed.
+        * @param throwableToMessage The Function based on which the new 
messages are generated. The function implementation
+        *                           should return the new message. Returning 
<code>null</code>, in contrast, will result in
+        *                           not updating the message for the 
corresponding Throwable.
-       private static OutOfMemoryError 
changeOutOfMemoryErrorMessage(OutOfMemoryError oom, String newMessage) {
-               if (oom.getMessage().equals(newMessage)) {
-                       return oom;
+       public static void updateDetailMessage(Throwable root, 
Function<Throwable, String> throwableToMessage) {
+               if (throwableToMessage == null) {
+                       return;
+               }
+               Throwable it = root;
+               while (it != null) {
+                       String newMessage = throwableToMessage.apply(it);
+                       if (newMessage != null) {
+                               updateDetailMessageOfThrowable(it, newMessage);
+                       }
+                       it = it.getCause();
+               }
+       }
+       private static void updateDetailMessageOfThrowable(Throwable throwable, 
String newDetailMessage) {
+               Field field;
+               try {
+                       field = 
+               } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
+                       throw new IllegalStateException("The JDK Throwable does 
provide a detailMessage.", e);

Review comment:
       I updated both exception messages to be more descriptive.

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