
Andrey Zagrebin edited comment on FLINK-16614 at 5/27/20, 1:27 PM:

---- For release note:

h1. New Flink Master Memory Model
h2. Overview

 a new memory model has been introduced for the Flink Master. New configuration 
options have been introduced to control the memory consumption of the Flink 
Master process. This affects all types of deployments: standalone, YARN, Mesos, 
and the new active Kubernetes integration.

Please, check the user documentation for [more 

If you try to reuse your previous Flink configuration without any adjustments, 
the new memory model can result in differently computed memory parameters for 
the JVM and, thus, performance changes or even failures. See also [the 
h2. Deprecation and breaking changes

The following options are deprecated:
 * _jobmanager.heap.size_
 * _jobmanager.heap.mb_

If these deprecated options are still used, they will be interpreted as one of 
the following new options in order to maintain backwards compatibility:
 * [JVM 
 for standalone and Mesos deployments
 * [Total process 
 for containerized deployments (Kubernetes and Yarn)

The following options have been removed and have no effect anymore:
 * _containerized.heap-cutoff-ratio_
 * _containerized.heap-cutoff-min_

There is [no container 
h2. JVM arguments

The _direct_ and _metaspace_ memory of the Flink Master's JVM process are now 
limited by configurable values:

See also [JVM 

*Attention:* These new limits can produce the respective _OutOfMemoryError_ 
exceptions if they are not configured properly or there is a respective memory 
leak. See also [the troubleshooting 

was (Author: azagrebin):
---- For release note:

h1. New Flink Master Memory Model
h2. Overview

 a new memory model has been introduced for the Flink Master. New configuration 
options have been introduced to control the memory consumption of the Flink 
Master process. This affects all types of deployments: standalone, YARN, Mesos, 
and the new active Kubernetes integration.

Please, check the user documentation for [more 

If you try to reuse your previous Flink configuration without any adjustments, 
the new memory model can result in differently computed memory parameters for 
the JVM and, thus, performance or even correctness changes. See also [the 
h2. Deprecation and breaking changes

The following options are deprecated:
 * _jobmanager.heap.size_
 * _jobmanager.heap.mb_

If these deprecated options are still used, they will be interpreted as one of 
the following new options in order to maintain backwards compatibility:
 * *JVM Heap* 
 for standalone and Mesos deployments
 * *Total process memory* 
 for containerized deployments (Kubernetes and Yarn)

It is also recommended using these new options instead of the legacy ones as 
they might be completely removed in the following releases. See also how to 
configure the 
 and [JVM 

The following options have been removed and have no effect anymore:
 * _containerized.heap-cutoff-ratio_
 * _containerized.heap-cutoff-min_

There is [no container 
h2. JVM arguments

The _direct_ and _metaspace_ memory of the Flink Master's JVM process are now 
limited by configurable values:

See also [JVM 

*Attention:* These new limits can produce the respective _OutOfMemoryError_ 
exceptions if they are not configured properly or there is a respective memory 
leak. See also [the troubleshooting 

> FLIP-116 Unified Memory Configuration for Job Manager
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-16614
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-16614
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Runtime / Configuration, Runtime / Coordination
>            Reporter: Andrey Zagrebin
>            Assignee: Andrey Zagrebin
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: Umbrella
>             Fix For: 1.11.0
> This is the umbrella issue of [FLIP-116: Unified Memory Configuration for Job 
> Managers|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-116%3A+Unified+Memory+Configuration+for+Job+Managers].

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