Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1,271 +1,291 @@
    - * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    - * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    - * distributed with this work for additional information
    - * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    - * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    - * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    - * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    - *
    - *
    - *
    - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    - * limitations under the License.
    - */
    -package org.apache.flink.api.table
    -import org.apache.flink.api.table.expressions.analysis.{GroupByAnalyzer, 
PredicateAnalyzer, SelectionAnalyzer}
    -import org.apache.flink.api.table.expressions.{Expression, 
ResolvedFieldReference, UnresolvedFieldReference}
    -import org.apache.flink.api.table.parser.ExpressionParser
    -import org.apache.flink.api.table.plan._
    - * The abstraction for writing Table API programs. Similar to how the 
batch and streaming APIs
    - * have [[org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet]] and
    - * [[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream]].
    - *
    - * Use the methods of [[Table]] to transform data. Use
    - * [[]] to convert a 
[[Table]] back to a DataSet
    - * or DataStream.
    - *
    - * When using Scala a [[Table]] can also be converted using implicit 
    - *
    - * Example:
    - *
    - * {{{
    - *   val table = set.toTable('a, 'b)
    - *   ...
    - *   val table2 = ...
    - *   val set = table2.toDataSet[MyType]
    - * }}}
    - *
    - * Operations such as [[join]], [[select]], [[where]] and [[groupBy]] 
either take arguments
    - * in a Scala DSL or as an expression String. Please refer to the 
documentation for the expression
    - * syntax.
    - */
    -case class Table(private[flink] val operation: PlanNode) {
    -  /**
    -   * Performs a selection operation. Similar to an SQL SELECT statement. 
The field expressions
    -   * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *'key, 'value.avg + " The average" as 'average, 
'other.substring(0, 10))
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def select(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    -    val analyzer = new SelectionAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    -    val analyzedFields =
    -    val fieldNames = analyzedFields map(
    -    if (fieldNames.toSet.size != fieldNames.size) {
    -      throw new ExpressionException(s"Resulting fields names are not 
unique in expression" +
    -        s""" "${fields.mkString(", ")}".""")
    -    }
    -    this.copy(operation = Select(operation, analyzedFields))
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Performs a selection operation. Similar to an SQL SELECT statement. 
The field expressions
    -   * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *"key, value.avg + " The average" as average, 
other.substring(0, 10)")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def select(fields: String): Table = {
    -    val fieldExprs = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    -    select(fieldExprs: _*)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate 
fields before
    -   * joining to operations.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *'a, 'b)
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def as(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    -    fields forall {
    -      f => f.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedFieldReference]
    -    } match {
    -      case true =>
    -      case false => throw new ExpressionException("Only field expression 
allowed in as().")
    -    }
    -    this.copy(operation = As(operation, fields.toArray map { }))
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate 
fields before
    -   * joining to operations.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *"a, b")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def as(fields: String): Table = {
    -    val fieldExprs = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    -    as(fieldExprs: _*)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    -   * clause.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.filter('name === "Fred")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def filter(predicate: Expression): Table = {
    -    val analyzer = new PredicateAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    -    val analyzedPredicate = analyzer.analyze(predicate)
    -    this.copy(operation = Filter(operation, analyzedPredicate))
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    -   * clause.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.filter("name = 'Fred'")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def filter(predicate: String): Table = {
    -    val predicateExpr = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(predicate)
    -    filter(predicateExpr)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    -   * clause.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.where('name === "Fred")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def where(predicate: Expression): Table = {
    -    filter(predicate)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    -   * clause.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.where("name = 'Fred'")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def where(predicate: String): Table = {
    -    filter(predicate)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a 
selection with aggregations
    -   * to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL 
GROUP BY statement.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.groupBy('key).select('key, 'value.avg)
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def groupBy(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    -    val analyzer = new GroupByAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    -    val analyzedFields =
    -    val illegalKeys = analyzedFields filter {
    -      case fe: ResolvedFieldReference => false // OK
    -      case e => true
    -    }
    -    if (illegalKeys.nonEmpty) {
    -      throw new ExpressionException("Illegal key expressions: " + 
illegalKeys.mkString(", "))
    -    }
    -    this.copy(operation = GroupBy(operation, analyzedFields))
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a 
selection with aggregations
    -   * to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL 
GROUP BY statement.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   in.groupBy("key").select("key, value.avg")
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def groupBy(fields: String): Table = {
    -    val fieldsExpr = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    -    groupBy(fieldsExpr: _*)
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Joins two [[Table]]s. Similar to an SQL join. The fields of the two 
    -   * operations must not overlap, use [[as]] to rename fields if 
necessary. You can use
    -   * where and select clauses after a join to further specify the 
behaviour of the join.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   left.join(right).where('a === 'b && 'c > 3).select('a, 'b, 'd)
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def join(right: Table): Table = {
    -    val leftInputNames =
    -    val rightInputNames =
    -    if (leftInputNames.intersect(rightInputNames).nonEmpty) {
    -      throw new ExpressionException(
    -        "Overlapping fields names on join input, result would be 
ambiguous: " +
    -          operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") +
    -          " and " +
    -          right.operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") )
    -    }
    -    this.copy(operation = Join(operation, right.operation))
    -  }
    -  /**
    -   * Union two[[Table]]s. Similar to an SQL UNION ALL. The fields of the 
two union operations
    -   * must fully overlap.
    -   *
    -   * Example:
    -   *
    -   * {{{
    -   *   left.unionAll(right)
    -   * }}}
    -   */
    -  def unionAll(right: Table): Table = {
    -    val leftInputFields = operation.outputFields
    -    val rightInputFields = right.operation.outputFields
    -    if (!leftInputFields.equals(rightInputFields)) {
    -      throw new ExpressionException(
    -        "The fields names of join inputs should be fully overlapped, left 
inputs fields:" +
    -          operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") +
    -          " and right inputs fields" +
    -          right.operation.outputFields.mkString(", ")
    -      )
    -    }
    -    this.copy(operation = UnionAll(operation, right.operation))
    -  }
    -  override def toString: String = s"Expression($operation)"
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.flink.api.table
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.expressions.analysis.{GroupByAnalyzer, 
PredicateAnalyzer, SelectionAnalyzer}
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.expressions.{Expression, 
ResolvedFieldReference, UnresolvedFieldReference}
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.parser.ExpressionParser
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.plan._
    +import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
    +import org.apache.flink.api.scala.table._
    + * The abstraction for writing Table API programs. Similar to how the 
batch and streaming APIs
    + * have [[org.apache.flink.api.scala.DataSet]] and
    + * [[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.DataStream]].
    + *
    + * Use the methods of [[Table]] to transform data. Use
    + * [[]] to convert a 
[[Table]] back to a DataSet
    + * or DataStream.
    + *
    + * When using Scala a [[Table]] can also be converted using implicit 
    + *
    + * Example:
    + *
    + * {{{
    + *   val table = set.toTable('a, 'b)
    + *   ...
    + *   val table2 = ...
    + *   val set = table2.toDataSet[MyType]
    + * }}}
    + *
    + * Operations such as [[join]], [[select]], [[where]] and [[groupBy]] 
either take arguments
    + * in a Scala DSL or as an expression String. Please refer to the 
documentation for the expression
    + * syntax.
    + */
    +case class Table(private[flink] val operation: PlanNode) {
    +  /**
    +   * Performs a selection operation. Similar to an SQL SELECT statement. 
The field expressions
    +   * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *'key, 'value.avg + " The average" as 'average, 
'other.substring(0, 10))
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def select(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    +    val analyzer = new SelectionAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    +    val analyzedFields =
    +    val fieldNames = analyzedFields map(
    +    if (fieldNames.toSet.size != fieldNames.size) {
    +      throw new ExpressionException(s"Resulting fields names are not 
unique in expression" +
    +        s""" "${fields.mkString(", ")}".""")
    +    }
    +    this.copy(operation = Select(operation, analyzedFields))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Performs a selection operation. Similar to an SQL SELECT statement. 
The field expressions
    +   * can contain complex expressions and aggregations.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *"key, value.avg + " The average" as average, 
other.substring(0, 10)")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def select(fields: String): Table = {
    +    val fieldExprs = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    +    select(fieldExprs: _*)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate 
fields before
    +   * joining to operations.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *'a, 'b)
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def as(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    +    fields forall {
    +      f => f.isInstanceOf[UnresolvedFieldReference]
    +    } match {
    +      case true =>
    +      case false => throw new ExpressionException("Only field expression 
allowed in as().")
    +    }
    +    this.copy(operation = As(operation, fields.toArray map { }))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Renames the fields of the expression result. Use this to disambiguate 
fields before
    +   * joining to operations.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *"a, b")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def as(fields: String): Table = {
    +    val fieldExprs = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    +    as(fieldExprs: _*)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    +   * clause.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.filter('name === "Fred")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def filter(predicate: Expression): Table = {
    +    val analyzer = new PredicateAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    +    val analyzedPredicate = analyzer.analyze(predicate)
    +    this.copy(operation = Filter(operation, analyzedPredicate))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    +   * clause.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.filter("name = 'Fred'")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def filter(predicate: String): Table = {
    +    val predicateExpr = ExpressionParser.parseExpression(predicate)
    +    filter(predicateExpr)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    +   * clause.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.where('name === "Fred")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def where(predicate: Expression): Table = {
    +    filter(predicate)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Filters out elements that don't pass the filter predicate. Similar to 
    +   * clause.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.where("name = 'Fred'")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def where(predicate: String): Table = {
    +    filter(predicate)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a 
selection with aggregations
    +   * to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL 
GROUP BY statement.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.groupBy('key).select('key, 'value.avg)
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def groupBy(fields: Expression*): Table = {
    +    val analyzer = new GroupByAnalyzer(operation.outputFields)
    +    val analyzedFields =
    +    val illegalKeys = analyzedFields filter {
    +      case fe: ResolvedFieldReference => false // OK
    +      case e => true
    +    }
    +    if (illegalKeys.nonEmpty) {
    +      throw new ExpressionException("Illegal key expressions: " + 
illegalKeys.mkString(", "))
    +    }
    +    this.copy(operation = GroupBy(operation, analyzedFields))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Groups the elements on some grouping keys. Use this before a 
selection with aggregations
    +   * to perform the aggregation on a per-group basis. Similar to a SQL 
GROUP BY statement.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   in.groupBy("key").select("key, value.avg")
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def groupBy(fields: String): Table = {
    +    val fieldsExpr = ExpressionParser.parseExpressionList(fields)
    +    groupBy(fieldsExpr: _*)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Joins two [[Table]]s. Similar to an SQL join. The fields of the two 
    +   * operations must not overlap, use [[as]] to rename fields if 
necessary. You can use
    +   * where and select clauses after a join to further specify the 
behaviour of the join.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   left.join(right).where('a === 'b && 'c > 3).select('a, 'b, 'd)
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def join(right: Table): Table = {
    +    val leftInputNames =
    +    val rightInputNames =
    +    if (leftInputNames.intersect(rightInputNames).nonEmpty) {
    +      throw new ExpressionException(
    +        "Overlapping fields names on join input, result would be 
ambiguous: " +
    +          operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") +
    +          " and " +
    +          right.operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") )
    +    }
    +    this.copy(operation = Join(operation, right.operation))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Union two[[Table]]s. Similar to an SQL UNION ALL. The fields of the 
two union operations
    +   * must fully overlap.
    +   *
    +   * Example:
    +   *
    +   * {{{
    +   *   left.unionAll(right)
    +   * }}}
    +   */
    +  def unionAll(right: Table): Table = {
    +    val leftInputFields = operation.outputFields
    +    val rightInputFields = right.operation.outputFields
    +    if (!leftInputFields.equals(rightInputFields)) {
    +      throw new ExpressionException(
    +        "The fields names of join inputs should be fully overlapped, left 
inputs fields:" +
    +          operation.outputFields.mkString(", ") +
    +          " and right inputs fields" +
    +          right.operation.outputFields.mkString(", ")
    +      )
    +    }
    +    this.copy(operation = UnionAll(operation, right.operation))
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Get the process of the sql parsing, print AST and physical execution 
plan.The AST
    +   * show the structure of the supplied statement. The execution plan 
shows how the table 
    +   * referenced by the statement will be scanned.
    +   */
    +  def explain(extended: Boolean): String = {
    --- End diff --
    It looks like you add only this method.
    Can you check why the whole file is marked as changed?

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