Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.flink.api.table.typeinfo
    +import java.util
    +import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.base.BasicTypeComparator
    +import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.{CompositeTypeComparator, 
TypeComparator, TypeSerializer}
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.Row
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.typeinfo.NullMaskUtils.readIntoNullMask
    +import org.apache.flink.api.table.typeinfo.RowComparator.NullChecker
    +import org.apache.flink.core.memory.{MemorySegment, DataOutputView, 
    +import org.apache.flink.types.{KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException, 
    + * Comparator for [[Row]].
    + */
    +class RowComparator private (
    +    /** key positions describe which fields are keys in what order */
    +    val keyPositions: Array[Int],
    +    /** comparators for the key fields, in the same order as the key 
fields */
    +    val comparators: Array[TypeComparator[_]],
    +    /** serializers to deserialize the first n fields for comparison */
    +    val serializers: Array[TypeSerializer[_]],
    +    /** auxiliary fields for normalized key support */
    +    private val auxiliaryFields: (List[Int], Int, Int))
    +  extends CompositeTypeComparator[Row] with Serializable {
    +  // null masks for serialized comparison
    +  private val nullMask1 = new Array[Boolean](serializers.length)
    +  private val nullMask2 = new Array[Boolean](serializers.length)
    +  // cache for the deserialized key field objects
    +  @transient
    +  private lazy val deserializedKeyFields1: Array[Any] = 
    +  @transient
    +  private lazy val deserializedKeyFields2: Array[Any] = 
    +  // null checker for reference comparison
    +  private val nullChecker = new NullChecker()
    +  // create auxiliary fields
    +  private val normalizedKeyLengths: Array[Int] = 
    +  private val numLeadingNormalizableKeys: Int = auxiliaryFields._2
    +  private val normalizableKeyPrefixLen: Int = auxiliaryFields._3
    +  // first comparator decides invert the key direction
    +  private val invertNormKey: Boolean = comparators(0).invertNormalizedKey()
    +  def this(
    +      keyPositions: Array[Int],
    +      comparators: Array[TypeComparator[_]],
    +      serializers: Array[TypeSerializer[_]]) = {
    +    this(
    +      keyPositions,
    +      comparators,
    +      serializers,
    +      createAuxiliaryFields(comparators))
    +  }
    +  private def instantiateDeserializationFields(): Array[Any] = {
    +    val newFields = new Array[Any](serializers.length)
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < serializers.length) {
    +      newFields(i) = serializers(i).createInstance()
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    newFields
    +  }
    +  // 
    +  //  Comparator Methods
    +  // 
    +  override def getFlatComparator(flatComparators: 
util.List[TypeComparator[_]]): Unit =
    +    comparators.foreach {
    +      case ctc: CompositeTypeComparator[_] => 
    +      case c@_ => flatComparators.add(c)
    +    }
    +  override def compareToReference(referencedComparator: 
TypeComparator[Row]): Int = {
    +    val other: RowComparator = 
    +    var i = 0
    +    try {
    +      while (i < keyPositions.length) {
    +        val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +        val otherComparator = 
    +        val nullCheck = comparator.equalToReference(nullChecker)
    +        val nullCheckOther = otherComparator.equalToReference(nullChecker)
    +        var cmp = 0
    +        // both values are null -> equality
    +        if (nullCheck && nullCheckOther) {
    +          cmp = 0
    +        }
    +        // one value is null -> inequality
    +        // order is considered for basic types
    +        else if (nullCheck || nullCheckOther) {
    +          if (comparator.isInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]) {
    +            val basicComp = comparator.asInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]
    +            if (nullCheck) {
    +              return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) 1 else -1
    +            }
    +            else if (nullCheckOther) {
    +              return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) -1 else 1
    +            }
    +          }
    +          else {
    +            return if (nullCheck) 1 else -1
    +          }
    +        }
    +        else {
    +          cmp = comparator.compareToReference(otherComparator)
    +        }
    +        if (cmp != 0) {
    +          return cmp
    +        }
    +        i = i + 1
    +      }
    +      0
    +    }
    +    catch {
    +      case npex: NullPointerException =>
    +        throw new NullKeyFieldException(keyPositions(i))
    +      case iobex: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
    +        throw new KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException(keyPositions(i))
    +    }
    +  }
    +  override def compareSerialized(firstSource: DataInputView, secondSource: 
DataInputView): Int = {
    +    val len = serializers.length
    +    val keyLen = keyPositions.length
    +    readIntoNullMask(len, firstSource, nullMask1)
    +    readIntoNullMask(len, secondSource, nullMask2)
    +    // deserialize
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < len) {
    +      val serializer = serializers(i).asInstanceOf[TypeSerializer[Any]]
    +      // deserialize field 1
    +      if (nullMask1(i)) {
    +        deserializedKeyFields1(i) = null
    +      }
    +      else if (deserializedKeyFields1(i) != null) {
    +        deserializedKeyFields1(i) = 
serializer.deserialize(deserializedKeyFields1(i), firstSource)
    +      }
    +      else {
    +        deserializedKeyFields1(i) = serializer.deserialize(firstSource)
    +      }
    +      // deserialize field 2
    +      if (nullMask2(i)) {
    +        deserializedKeyFields2(i) = null
    +      }
    +      else if (deserializedKeyFields2(i) != null) {
    +        deserializedKeyFields2(i) = 
serializer.deserialize(deserializedKeyFields2(i), secondSource)
    +      }
    +      else {
    +        deserializedKeyFields2(i) = serializer.deserialize(secondSource)
    +      }
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    // compare
    +    i = 0
    +    while (i < keyLen) {
    +      val keyPos = keyPositions(i)
    +      val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +      val firstElement = deserializedKeyFields1(keyPos)
    +      val secondElement = deserializedKeyFields2(keyPos)
    +      var cmp = 0
    +      // both values are null -> equality
    +      if (firstElement == null && secondElement == null) {
    +        cmp = 0
    +      }
    +      // one value is null -> inequality
    +      // order is considered for basic types
    +      else if (firstElement == null || secondElement == null) {
    +        if (comparator.isInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]) {
    +          val basicComp = comparator.asInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]
    +          if (firstElement == null) {
    +            return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) -1 else 1
    +          }
    +          else if (secondElement == null) {
    +            return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) 1 else -1
    +          }
    +        }
    +        else {
    +          return if (firstElement == null) -1 else 1
    +        }
    +      }
    +      else {
    +        cmp =, secondElement)
    +      }
    +      if (cmp != 0) {
    +        return cmp
    +      }
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    0
    +  }
    +  override def supportsNormalizedKey(): Boolean = 
numLeadingNormalizableKeys > 0
    +  override def getNormalizeKeyLen: Int = normalizableKeyPrefixLen
    +  override def isNormalizedKeyPrefixOnly(keyBytes: Int): Boolean =
    +    numLeadingNormalizableKeys < keyPositions.length ||
    +      normalizableKeyPrefixLen == Integer.MAX_VALUE ||
    +      normalizableKeyPrefixLen > keyBytes
    +  override def invertNormalizedKey(): Boolean = invertNormKey
    +  override def supportsSerializationWithKeyNormalization(): Boolean = false
    +  override def writeWithKeyNormalization(record: Row, target: 
DataOutputView): Unit =
    +    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Normalized keys not 
suppported for Rows.")
    +  override def readWithKeyDenormalization(reuse: Row, source: 
DataInputView): Row =
    +    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Normalized keys not 
suppported for Rows.")
    +  override def duplicate(): TypeComparator[Row] = {
    +    // copy comparator and serializer factories
    +    val comparatorsCopy =
    +    val serializersCopy =
    +    new RowComparator(
    +      keyPositions,
    +      comparatorsCopy,
    +      serializersCopy,
    +      auxiliaryFields)
    +  }
    +  override def hash(value: Row): Int = {
    +    var code: Int = 0
    +    var i = 0
    +    try {
    +      while(i < keyPositions.length) {
    +        code *= TupleComparatorBase.HASH_SALT(i & 0x1F)
    +        val element = value.productElement(keyPositions(i))
    +        if (element != null) {
    +          code += 
    +        }
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +    } catch {
    +      case npex: NullPointerException =>
    +        throw new NullKeyFieldException(keyPositions(i))
    +      case iobex: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
    +        throw new KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException(keyPositions(i))
    +    }
    +    code
    +  }
    +  override def setReference(toCompare: Row) {
    +    var i = 0
    +    try {
    +      while(i < keyPositions.length) {
    +        val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +        val element = toCompare.productElement(keyPositions(i))
    +        comparator.setReference(element) // element can be null
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +    } catch {
    +      case npex: NullPointerException =>
    +        throw new NullKeyFieldException(keyPositions(i))
    +      case iobex: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
    +        throw new KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException(keyPositions(i))
    +    }
    +  }
    +  override def equalToReference(candidate: Row): Boolean = {
    +    var i = 0
    +    try {
    +      while(i < keyPositions.length) {
    +        val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +        val element = candidate.productElement(keyPositions(i))
    +        // check if reference is null
    +        if (element == null && !comparator.equalToReference(nullChecker)) {
    +          return false
    +        }
    +        else if (element != null && !comparator.equalToReference(element)) 
    +          return false
    +        }
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +    } catch {
    +      case npex: NullPointerException =>
    +        throw new NullKeyFieldException(keyPositions(i))
    +      case iobex: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
    +        throw new KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException(keyPositions(i))
    +    }
    +    true
    +  }
    +  override def compare(first: Row, second: Row): Int = {
    +    var i = 0
    +    try {
    +      while(i < keyPositions.length) {
    +        val keyPos: Int = keyPositions(i)
    +        val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +        val firstElement = first.productElement(keyPos)
    +        val secondElement = second.productElement(keyPos)
    +        var cmp = 0
    +        // both values are null -> equality
    +        if (firstElement == null && secondElement == null) {
    +          cmp = 0
    +        }
    +        // one value is null -> inequality
    +        // order is considered for basic types
    +        else if (firstElement == null || secondElement == null) {
    +          if (comparator.isInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]) {
    +            val basicComp = comparator.asInstanceOf[BasicTypeComparator[_]]
    +            if (firstElement == null) {
    +              return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) -1 else 1
    +            }
    +            else if (secondElement == null) {
    +              return if (basicComp.isAscendingComparison) 1 else -1
    +            }
    +          }
    +          else {
    +            return if (firstElement == null) -1 else 1
    +          }
    +        }
    +        else {
    +          cmp =, secondElement)
    +        }
    +        if (cmp != 0) {
    +          return cmp
    +        }
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +    } catch {
    +      case npex: NullPointerException =>
    +        throw new NullKeyFieldException(keyPositions(i))
    +      case iobex: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
    +        throw new KeyFieldOutOfBoundsException(keyPositions(i))
    +    }
    +    0
    +  }
    +  override def putNormalizedKey(record: Row, target: MemorySegment, 
offset: Int, numBytes: Int)
    +      : Unit = {
    +    var bytesLeft = numBytes
    +    var currentOffset = offset
    +    var i = 0
    +    var j = 0
    +    while (i < numLeadingNormalizableKeys && bytesLeft > 0) {
    +      var len = normalizedKeyLengths(i)
    +      len = if (bytesLeft >= len) len else bytesLeft
    +      val comparator = comparators(i).asInstanceOf[TypeComparator[Any]]
    +      val element = record.productElement(keyPositions(i))
    +      if (len > 0) {
    +        // write a null byte with padding
    +        if (element == null) {
    +          target.putBoolean(currentOffset, true)
    +          // write padding
    +          j = 0
    +          while (j < len - 1) {
    +            target.put(currentOffset + j, 0.toByte)
    +            j += 1
    +          }
    +        }
    +        // write a non-null byte with key
    +        else {
    +          target.putBoolean(currentOffset, false)
    +          // write key
    +          comparator.putNormalizedKey(element, target, currentOffset, len 
- 1)
    +        }
    +      }
    +      bytesLeft -= len
    +      currentOffset += len
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +  }
    +  override def extractKeys(record: Any, target: Array[AnyRef], index: 
Int): Int = {
    +    val len = comparators.length
    +    var localIndex = index
    +    var i = 0
    +    while (i < len) {
    +      val element = 
    +      localIndex += comparators(i).extractKeys(element, target, localIndex)
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    localIndex - index
    +  }
    +object RowComparator {
    +  private class NullChecker extends Comparable[AnyRef] with Serializable {
    +    override def compareTo(obj: AnyRef): Int =
    +      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This should never be 
    +    override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean =
    +      obj == null
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * @return creates auxiliary fields for normalized key support
    +   */
    +  private def createAuxiliaryFields(
    +      comparators: Array[TypeComparator[_]])
    +    : (List[Int], Int, Int) = {
    +    comparators.takeWhile {
    +      c =>
    +        // As long as the leading keys support normalized keys, we can 
build up the composite key.
    +        // The first comparator decides whether we need to invert the key 
    +        // If a successor does not agree on the inversion direction, it 
cannot be part of the
    +        // normalized key.
    +        c.supportsNormalizedKey() &&
    +          c.invertNormalizedKey() == comparators(0).invertNormalizedKey()
    +    }.foldLeft((List[Int](), 0, 0)) {
    +      case ((normKeyLengths, numLeadingNormKeys, normKeyPrefixLen), 
comparator) =>
    +        val len = comparator.getNormalizeKeyLen
    +        if (len < 0) {
    +          throw new RuntimeException("Comparator " + 
comparator.getClass.getName +
    +            " specifies an invalid length for the normalized key: " + len)
    +        }
    +        val newNormKeyLengths = (len + 1) :: normKeyLengths // add one for 
a null byte
    +        val newNumLeadingNormKeys = numLeadingNormKeys + 1
    +        val newNormKeyPrefixLen = normKeyPrefixLen + len + 1 // add one 
for a null byte
    --- End diff --
    `newNormKeyPrefix` can become negative if one comparator returns 
`Integer.MAX_VALUE` for `getNormalizeKeyLen`.

If your project is set up for it, you can reply to this email and have your
reply appear on GitHub as well. If your project does not have this feature
enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
contact infrastructure at or file a JIRA ticket
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