
Victor Wong edited comment on FLINK-15447 at 1/19/20 4:24 AM:

[~rongr] for me #2 is most close to the main concern, but we do not want to 
share with others for fine-grain control on disk resource, but for a shared 
location is very prone to be disk full.

There are some good points in HADOOP-2735:

_Can we add -Djava.io.tmpdir="./tmp" somewhere ?_
 _so that,_
 _1) Tasks can utilize all disks when using tmp_
 _2) Any undeleted tmp files will be deleted by the tasktracker when task(job?) 
is done._

was (Author: victor-wong):
[~rongr] for me #2 is most close to the main concern, but we do not want to 
share with others not for fine-grain control on disk resource, but for a shared 
location is very prone to be disk full.

There are some good points in HADOOP-2735:

_Can we add -Djava.io.tmpdir="./tmp" somewhere ?_
 _so that,_
 _1) Tasks can utilize all disks when using tmp_
 _2) Any undeleted tmp files will be deleted by the tasktracker when task(job?) 
is done._

> Change "java.io.tmpdir"  of JM/TM on Yarn to "{{PWD}}/tmp" 
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-15447
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-15447
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Deployment / YARN
>    Affects Versions: 1.9.1
>            Reporter: Victor Wong
>            Priority: Major
> Currently, when running Flink on Yarn, the "java.io.tmpdir" property is set 
> to the default value, which is "/tmp". 
> Sometimes we ran into exceptions caused by a full "/tmp" directory, which 
> would not be cleaned automatically after applications finished.
> I think we can set "java.io.tmpdir" to "{{{{PWD}}}}/tmp" directory, or 
> something similar. "{{{{PWD}}}}" will be replaced with the true working 
> directory of JM/TM by Yarn, which will be cleaned automatically.

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