zhuzhurk commented on a change in pull request #10007: [FLINK-14060][runtime] 
Set slot sharing groups according to logical pipelined regions
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/10007#discussion_r342117893

 File path: 
 @@ -596,26 +600,72 @@ public static boolean isChainable(StreamEdge edge, 
StreamGraph streamGraph) {
        private void setSlotSharingAndCoLocation() {
-               final HashMap<String, SlotSharingGroup> slotSharingGroups = new 
-               final HashMap<String, Tuple2<SlotSharingGroup, 
CoLocationGroup>> coLocationGroups = new HashMap<>();
+               setSlotSharing();
+               setCoLocation();
+       }
+       private void setSlotSharing() {
+               final Map<String, SlotSharingGroup> specifiedSlotSharingGroups 
= new HashMap<>();
+               final Map<JobVertexID, SlotSharingGroup> 
vertexRegionSlotSharingGroups = buildVertexRegionSlotSharingGroups();
                for (Entry<Integer, JobVertex> entry : jobVertices.entrySet()) {
-                       final StreamNode node = 
                        final JobVertex vertex = entry.getValue();
+                       final String slotSharingGroupKey = 
 Review comment:
   It is what was set into StreamNode, can be specified by users or generated 
by default(in `StreamGraphGenerator#determineSlotSharingGroup`).
   Given that there is only one such key in this code context, the name 
`slotSharingGroupKey` shall not cause confusion.
   Not sure if I understand the question correctly?

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