
Jark Wu edited comment on FLINK-14539 at 10/28/19 8:01 AM:

Hi [~KevinZwx], I think RexBiVisitor is fine. 

Some thoughts from my side, I think what we need is something like 
{{SqlOperator#getMonotonicity}}, by using RexBiVisitor, maybe we need something:

class UniquenessPreserveVisitor implements RexBiVisitor<Boolean, 
UniquenessCallContext> {...} 

Where the UniquenessCallContext contains {{isArgumentUnqiuenessPreserved(int 
idx)}}, {{int getArgumentCount()}}. Maybe we can make {{UniquenessCallContext}} 
extends {{CallContext}}.

was (Author: jark):
Hi [~KevinZwx], I think RexBiVisitor is fine. 

Some thoughts from my side, I think what we need is something like 
{{SqlOperator#getMonotonicity}}, by using RexBiVisitor, maybe we need something:

{{class UniquenessPreserveVisitor implements RexBiVisitor<Boolean, 
UniquenessCallContext> {...} }}

Where the UniquenessCallContext contains {{isArgumentUnqiuenessPreserved(int 
idx)}}, {{int getArgumentCount()}}. Maybe we can make {{UniquenessCallContext}} 
extends {{CallContext}}.

> Unique key metadata should be ketp when using concat or concat_ws in some 
> cases
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-14539
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14539
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Table SQL / Planner
>    Affects Versions: 1.9.0, 1.9.1
>            Reporter: Kevin Zhang
>            Priority: Major
> Currently unique key metadata of a project relnode are only kept in the 
> following three situations:
> # project the child unique keys while not changing them
> # cast the child unique key when ignoring nulls and the original type of the 
> field and cast type are the same
> # rename the child unique keys
> Besides these situations, concat and concat_ws should also keep the metadata 
> if they won't break the uniqueness of the child unique keys, i.e. each 
> operands is in one of the above situations, and the operands include all the 
> child unique keys. 
> Say the f0 and f1 are the unique key fields of the child node, the following 
> sqls should keep the unique key metadata 
> {code:sql}
> select concat(f0, f1)
> -- the type of f0 and f1 are both varchar originally and ignore nulls
> select concat(cast(f0 as varchar), f1)
> select cast(concat(f0, f1) as varchar)
> {code}
> while the following sqls should discard the unique key metadata
> {code:sql}
> -- the type of f0 and f1 are both varchar originally
> select concat(cast(f0 as bigint), f1)
> select cast(concat(f0, f1) as bigint)
> {code}

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