Github user fhueske commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -126,6 +126,131 @@ object Graph {
         wrapGraph(jg.Graph.fromTupleDataSet[K, VV, EV](javaTupleEdges, mapper, 
    +  /**
    +  * Creates a Graph with from a CSV file of vertices and a CSV file of 
    +  * 
    +  * @param pathVertices The file path containing the vertices.
    +  * @param readVertices Defines whether the vertices have associated 
    +  * If set to false, the vertex input is ignored and vertices are created 
from the edges file.
    +  * @param lineDelimiterVertices The string that separates lines in the 
vertices file.
    +  * It defaults to newline.
    +  * @param fieldDelimiterVertices The string that separates vertex Ids 
from vertex values
    +  * in the vertices file.
    +  * @param quoteCharacterVertices The character to use for quoted String 
    +  * in the vertices file. Disabled by default.
    +  * @param ignoreFirstLineVertices Whether the first line in the vertices 
file should be ignored.
    +  * @param ignoreCommentsVertices Lines that start with the given String 
in the vertices file
    +  * are ignored, disabled by default.
    +  * @param lenientVertices Whether the parser should silently ignore 
malformed lines in the
    +  * vertices file.
    +  * @param includedFieldsVertices The fields in the vertices file that 
should be read.
    +  * By default all fields are read.
    +  * @param pathEdges The file path containing the edges.
    +  * @param hasEdgeValues Defines whether the edges have associated values. 
True by default.
    +  * @param lineDelimiterEdges The string that separates lines in the edges 
    +  * It defaults to newline.
    +  * @param fieldDelimiterEdges The string that separates fileds in the 
edges file.
    +  * @param quoteCharacterEdges The character to use for quoted String 
    +  * in the edges file. Disabled by default.
    +  * @param ignoreFirstLineEdges Whether the first line in the vertices 
file should be ignored.
    +  * @param ignoreCommentsEdges Lines that start with the given String in 
the edges file
    +  * are ignored, disabled by default.
    +  * @param lenientEdges Whether the parser should silently ignore 
malformed lines in the
    +  * edges file.
    +  * @param includedFieldsEdges The fields in the edges file that should be 
    +  * By default all fields are read.
    +  * 
    +  */
    +  // scalastyle:off
    +  // This method exceeds the max allowed number of parameters -->  
    +  def fromCsvReader[K: TypeInformation : ClassTag, VV: TypeInformation : 
    +    EV: TypeInformation : ClassTag](
    +      pathVertices: String = null,
    --- End diff --
    Should we change the order of the parameters and move the most common once 
first? This will allow to specify some parameters without names. How about:
    - pathEdges (mandatory)
    - readVertices
    - pathVertices
    - hasEdgeValues
    - ... (the others in the current order)

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