
Zijie Lu edited comment on FLINK-14099 at 9/18/19 7:52 AM:

So your idea is that the rowtime is still be extracted from field and it is 
converted to stand SQL by using built in function in the sql statment. Do I 
unserstand it?


*[~felixzheng] [~twalthr]*

was (Author: alfredlu):
Maybe we can add a parameter in the function timestampFromField with its 
timestamp format and convert it to the stand SQL timestamp.

The code looks like this:

*new Schema()*
 *.field("rowtime", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP)*
 *.rowtime(new Rowtime().timestampsFromField("timestamp", 

Do you think this idea work?

*[~felixzheng] [~twalthr]*

> SQL supports timestamp in Long
> ------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-14099
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14099
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Zijie Lu
>            Priority: Major
> The rowtime only supports sql timestamp but not long. Can the rowtime field 
> supports long?

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