
Zhu Zhu commented on FLINK-13962:

[~till.rohrmann], yes I can work on it.

> Task state handles leak if the task fails before deploying
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-13962
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-13962
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Runtime / Coordination
>    Affects Versions: 1.9.0, 1.10.0
>            Reporter: Zhu Zhu
>            Priority: Major
> Currently the taskRestore field of an _Execution_ is reset to null in task 
> deployment stage.
> The purpose of it is "allows the JobManagerTaskRestore instance to be garbage 
> collected. Furthermore, it won't be archived along with the Execution in the 
> ExecutionVertex in case of a restart. This is especially important when 
> setting state.backend.fs.memory-threshold to larger values because every 
> state below this threshold will be stored in the meta state files and, thus, 
> also the JobManagerTaskRestore instances." (From FLINK-9693)
> However, if a task fails before it comes to the deployment stage(e.g. fails 
> due to slot allocation timeout), the _taskRestore_ field will remain non-null 
> and will be archived in prior executions. 
> This may result in large JM heap cost in certain cases and lead to continuous 
> JM full GCs.
> I’d propose to set the _taskRestore_ field to be null before moving an 
> _Execution_ to prior executions.
> We may keep the logic which sets the _taskRestore_ field to be null after 
> task deployment which allows it to be GC'ed earlier in normal cases.

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