wuchong commented on a change in pull request #9415: [FLINK-12939][docs-zh] 
Translate "Apache Kafka Connector" page into C…
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/9415#discussion_r312739365

 File path: docs/dev/connectors/kafka.zh.md
 @@ -532,41 +442,28 @@ stream = env
-Internally, an instance of the assigner is executed per Kafka partition.
-When such an assigner is specified, for each record read from Kafka, the
-`extractTimestamp(T element, long previousElementTimestamp)` is called to 
assign a timestamp to the record and
-the `Watermark getCurrentWatermark()` (for periodic) or the
-`Watermark checkAndGetNextWatermark(T lastElement, long extractedTimestamp)` 
(for punctuated) is called to determine
-if a new watermark should be emitted and with which timestamp.
-**Note**: If a watermark assigner depends on records read from Kafka to 
advance its watermarks
-(which is commonly the case), all topics and partitions need to have a 
continuous stream of records.
-Otherwise, the watermarks of the whole application cannot advance and all 
time-based operations,
-such as time windows or functions with timers, cannot make progress. A single 
idle Kafka partition causes this behavior.
-A Flink improvement is planned to prevent this from happening
-(see [FLINK-5479: Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should 
consider idle partitions](
-In the meanwhile, a possible workaround is to send *heartbeat messages* to all 
consumed partitions that advance the watermarks of idle partitions.
+在内部,每个 Kafka 分区执行一个 assigner 实例。当指定了这样的 assigner 时,对于从 Kafka 读取的每条消息,调用 
`extractTimestamp(T element, long previousElementTimestamp)` 来为记录分配时间戳,并为 
`Watermark getCurrentWatermark()` (定期)或 `Watermark checkAndGetNextWatermark(T 
lastElement, long extractedTimestamp)` (用于标点符号)以确定是否应该发出新的 watermark 以及使用哪个时间戳。
+**请注意**: 如果水位线 assigner 依赖于从 Kafka 
 Kafka 分区也会导致这种反应。这是一个已在计划中的 Flink improvement ,目的是为了防止这种情况发生(请见[FLINK-5479: 
Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle 
 consumer 的分区里,从而上涨空闲分区的水位。
 Review comment:
   **请注意**: 如果 watermark assigner 依赖于从 Kafka 读取的消息来上涨其 watermark 
(通常就是这种情况),那么所有主题和分区都需要有连续的消息流。否则,整个应用程序的 watermark 
将无法上涨,所有基于时间的算子(例如时间窗口或带有计时器的函数)也无法运行。单个的 Kafka 分区也会导致这种反应。这是一个已在计划中的 Flink 
改进,目的是为了防止这种情况发生(请见[FLINK-5479: Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer 
should consider idle 
 consumer 的分区里,从而上涨空闲分区的 watermark。
   我更倾向于对 watermark 保持同一种翻译,或者都不翻译。

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