Github user JonathanH5 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    + * distributed with this work for additional information
    + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import java.{lang, util}
    +import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions._
    +import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
    +import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration
    +import org.apache.flink.core.fs.FileSystem.WriteMode
    +import{ParameterMap, Parameter}
FitOperation, Predictor}
    +import org.apache.flink.util.Collector
    +import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    +import scala.collection.mutable
    +import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
    +import scala.collection.mutable.Map
    + * While building the model different approaches need to be compared.
    + * For that purpose the fitParameters are used. Every possibility that 
might enhance
    + * the implementation can be chosen separately by using the following list 
of parameters:
    + *
    + * Possibility 1: way of calculating document count
    + *  P1 = 0 -> use .count() to get count of all documents
    + *  P1 = 1 -> use a reducer and a mapper to create a broadcast data set 
containing the count of
    + *    all documents
    + *
    + * Possibility 2: all words in class (order of operators)
    + *    If p2 = 1 improves the speed, many other calculations must switch 
their operators, too.
    + *  P2 = 0 -> first the reducer, than the mapper
    + *  P2 = 1 -> first the mapper, than the reducer
    + *
    + * Possibility 3: way of calculating pwc
    + *  P2 = 0 -> join singleWordsInClass and allWordsInClass to wordsInClass 
data set
    + *  P3 = 1 -> work on singleWordsInClass data set and broadcast 
allWordsInClass data set
    + *
    + * Schneider/Rennie 1: ignore/reduce word frequency information
    + *  SR1 = 0 -> word frequency information is not ignored
    + *  SR1 = 1 -> word frequency information is ignored (Schneiders approach)
    + *  SR1 = 2 -> word frequency information is reduced (Rennies approach)
    + *
    + * Schneider1: ignore P(c_j) in cMAP formula
    + *  S1 = 0 -> normal cMAP formula
    + *  S2 = 1 -> cMAP without P(c_j)
    + *
    + * Rennie1: transform document frequency
    + *  R1 = 0 -> normal formula
    + *  R1 = 1 -> apply inverse document frequecy
    + * Note: if R1 = 1 and SR1 = 2, both approaches get applied.
    + *
    + */
    +class MultinomialNaiveBayes extends Predictor[MultinomialNaiveBayes] {
    +  import MultinomialNaiveBayes._
    +  //The model, that stores all needed information that are related to one 
specific word
    +  var wordRelatedModelData: Option[DataSet[(String, String, Double)]] =
    +    None // (class name -> word -> log P(w|c))
    +  //The model, that stores all needed information that are related to one 
specifc class+
    +  var classRelatedModelData: Option[DataSet[(String, Double, Double)]] =
    +    None // (class name -> p(c) -> log p(w|c) not in class)
    +  //A data set that stores additional needed information for some of the 
    +  var improvementData: Option[DataSet[(String, Double)]] =
    +    None // (word -> log number of documents in all classes / word 
frequency in all classes
    +  // ============================== Parameter configuration 
    +  def setP1(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(P1, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  def setP2(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(P2, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  def setP3(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(P3, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  def setSR1(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(SR1, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  def setS1(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(S1, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  def setR1(value: Int): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    parameters.add(R1, value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  // =============================================== Methods 
    +  /**
    +   * Save already existing model data created by the NaiveBayes algorithm. 
Requires the designated
    +   * locations. The saved data is a representation of the 
[[wordRelatedModelData]] and
    +   * [[classRelatedModelData]].
    +   * @param wordRelated, the save location for the wordRelated data
    +   * @param classRelated, the save location for the classRelated data
    +   */
    +  def saveModelDataSet(wordRelated: String, classRelated: String) : Unit = 
    +    wordRelatedModelData.get.writeAsCsv(wordRelated, "\n", "|", 
    +    classRelatedModelData.get.writeAsCsv(classRelated, "\n", "|", 
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Save the improvment data set. Requires the designated save location. 
The saved data is a
    +   * representation of the [[improvementData]] data set.
    +   * @param path, the save location for the improvment data
    +   */
    +  def saveImprovementDataSet(path: String) : Unit = {
    +    improvementData.get.writeAsCsv(path, "\n", "|", WriteMode.OVERWRITE)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Sets the [[wordRelatedModelData]] and the [[classRelatedModelData]] 
to the given data sets.
    +   * @param wordRelated, the data set representing the wordRelated model
    +   * @param classRelated, the data set representing the classRelated model
    +   */
    +  def setModelDataSet(wordRelated : DataSet[(String, String, Double)],
    +                      classRelated: DataSet[(String, Double, Double)]) : 
Unit = {
    +    this.wordRelatedModelData = Some(wordRelated)
    +    this.classRelatedModelData = Some(classRelated)
    +  }
    +  def setImprovementDataSet(impSet : DataSet[(String, Double)]) : Unit = {
    +    this.improvementData = Some(impSet)
    +  }
    +object MultinomialNaiveBayes {
    +  // ========================================== Parameters 
    +  case object P1 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  case object P2 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  case object P3 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  case object SR1 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  case object S1 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  case object R1 extends Parameter[Int] {
    +    override val defaultValue: Option[Int] = Some(0)
    +  }
    +  // ======================================== Factory Methods 
    +  def apply(): MultinomialNaiveBayes = {
    +    new MultinomialNaiveBayes()
    +  }
    +  // ====================================== Operations 
    +  /**
    +   * Trains the models to fit the training data. The resulting
    +   * [[MultinomialNaiveBayes.wordRelatedModelData]] and
    +   * [[MultinomialNaiveBayes.classRelatedModelData]] are stored in the 
    +   * instance.
    +   */
    +  implicit val fitNNB = new FitOperation[MultinomialNaiveBayes, (String, 
String)] {
    +    /**
    +     * The [[FitOperation]] used to create the model. Requires an instance 
    +     * [[MultinomialNaiveBayes]], a [[ParameterMap]] and the input data 
set. This data set
    +     * maps (string -> string) containing (label -> text, words separated 
by ",")
    +     * @param instance of [[MultinomialNaiveBayes]]
    +     * @param fitParameters, additional parameters
    +     * @param input, the to processed data set
    +     */
    +    override def fit(instance: MultinomialNaiveBayes,
    +                     fitParameters: ParameterMap,
    +                     input: DataSet[(String, String)]): Unit = {
    +      val resultingParameters = instance.parameters ++ fitParameters
    +      //Count the amount of documents for each class.
    +      // 1. Map: replace the document text by a 1
    +      // 2. Group-Reduce: sum the 1s by class
    +      val documentsPerClass: DataSet[(String, Int)] = { input => 
(input._1, 1)}
    +        .groupBy(0).sum(1) // (class name -> count of documents)
    +      //Count the amount of occurrences of each word for each class.
    +      // 1. FlatMap: split the document into its words and add a 1 to each 
    +      // 2. Group-Reduce: sum the 1s by class, word
    +      var singleWordsInClass: DataSet[(String, String, Int)] = input
    +        .flatMap(new SingleWordSplitter())
    +        .groupBy(0, 1).sum(2) // (class name -> word -> count of that word)
    +      //POSSIBILITY 2: all words in class (order of operators)
    +      //SCHNEIDER/RENNIE 1: ignore/reduce word frequency information
    +        //the allWordsInClass data set does only contain distinct
    +        //words for schneiders approach: ndw(cj), nothing changes for 
rennies approach
    +      val p2 = resultingParameters(P2)
    +      val sr1 = resultingParameters(SR1)
    +      var allWordsInClass: DataSet[(String, Int)] =
    +        null // (class name -> count of all words in that class)
    +      if (p2 == 0) {
    +        if (sr1 == 0 || sr1 == 2) {
    +          //Count all the words for each class.
    +          // 1. Reduce: add the count for each word in a class together
    +          // 2. Map: remove the field that contains the word
    +          allWordsInClass = singleWordsInClass.groupBy(0).reduce {
    +            (singleWords1, singleWords2) =>
    +              (singleWords1._1, singleWords1._2, singleWords1._3 + 
    +          }.map(singleWords =>
    +            (singleWords._1, singleWords._3)) // (class name -> count of 
all words in that class)
    +        } else if (sr1 == 1) {
    +          //Count all distinct words for each class.
    +          // 1. Map: set the word count to 1
    +          // 2. Reduce: add the count for each word in a class together
    +          // 3. Map: remove the field that contains the word
    +          allWordsInClass = singleWordsInClass
    +            .map(singleWords => (singleWords._1, singleWords._2, 1))
    +            .groupBy(0).reduce {
    +            (singleWords1, singleWords2) =>
    +              (singleWords1._1, singleWords1._2, singleWords1._3 + 
    +          }.map(singleWords =>
    +            (singleWords._1, singleWords._3))//(class name -> count of 
distinct words in that class)
    +        }
    +      } else if (p2 == 1) {
    +        if (sr1 == 0 || sr1 == 2) {
    +          //Count all the words for each class.
    +          // 1. Map: remove the field that contains the word
    +          // 2. Reduce: add the count for each word in a class together
    +          allWordsInClass = => 
(singleWords._1, singleWords._3))
    +            .groupBy(0).reduce {
    +            (singleWords1, singleWords2) => (singleWords1._1, 
singleWords1._2 + singleWords2._2)
    +          } // (class name -> count of all words in that class)
    +        } else if (sr1 == 1) {
    +          //Count all distinct words for each class.
    +          // 1. Map: remove the field that contains the word, set the word 
count to 1
    +          // 2. Reduce: add the count for each word in a class together
    +          allWordsInClass = => 
(singleWords._1, 1))
    +            .groupBy(0).reduce {
    +            (singleWords1, singleWords2) => (singleWords1._1, 
singleWords1._2 + singleWords2._2)
    +          } // (class name -> count of distinct words in that class)
    +        }
    +      }
    +      //END POSSIBILITY 2
    +      //POSSIBILITY 1: way of calculating document count
    +      val p1 = resultingParameters(P1)
    +      var pc: DataSet[(String, Double)] = null // (class name -> P(c) in 
    +      if (p1 == 0) {
    +        val documentsCount: Double = input.count() //count of all documents
    +        //Calculate P(c)
    +        // 1. Map: divide count of documents for a class through total 
count of documents
    +        pc = => (line._1, line._2 / 
    +      } else if (p1 == 1) {
    +        //Create a data set that contains only one double value: the count 
of all documents
    +        // 1. Reduce: At the count of documents together
    +        // 2. Map: Remove field that contains document identifier
    +        val documentCount: DataSet[(Double)] = documentsPerClass
    +          .reduce((line1, line2) => (line1._1, line1._2 + line2._2))
    +          .map(line => line._2) //(count of all documents)
    +        //calculate P(c)
    +        // 1. Map: divide count of documents for a class through total 
count of documents
    +        //    (only element in documentCount data set)
    +        pc = RichMapFunction[(String, Int), 
(String, Double)] {
    +            var broadcastSet: util.List[Double] = null
    +            override def open(config: Configuration): Unit = {
    +              broadcastSet = 
    +              if (broadcastSet.size() != 1) {
    +                throw new RuntimeException("The document count data set 
used by p1 = 1 has the " +
    +                  "wrong size! Please use p1 = 0 if the problem can not be 
    +              }
    +            }
    +            override def map(value: (String, Int)): (String, Double) = {
    +              (value._1, value._2 / broadcastSet.get(0))
    +            }
    +          }).withBroadcastSet(documentCount, "documentCount")
    +      }
    +      //END POSSIBILITY 1
    +      // (list of all words, but distinct)
    +      val vocabulary = => (tuple._2, 
    +      // (count of items in vocabulary list)
    +      val vocabularyCount: Double = vocabulary.count()
    +      //calculate the P(w|c) value for words, that are not part of a 
class, needed for smoothing
    +      // 1. Map: use P(w|c) formula with smoothing with n(c_j, w_t) = 0
    +      val pwcNotInClass: DataSet[(String, Double)] = allWordsInClass
    +        .map(line =>
    +          (line._1, 1 / (line._2 + vocabularyCount))) // (class name -> 
P(w|c) word not in class)
    +      //SCHNEIDER/RENNIE 1: ignore/reduce word frequency information
    +        //The singleWordsInClass data set must be changed before, the 
calculation of pwc starts for
    +        //schneider, it needs this form classname -> word -> number of 
documents containing wt in cj
    +      if (sr1 == 1) {
    +        //Calculate the required data set (see above)
    +        // 1. FlatMap: class -> word -> 1 (one tuple for each document in 
which this word occurs)
    +        // 2. Group-Reduce: sum all 1s where the first two fields equal
    +        // 3. Map: Remove unesseccary count of word and replace with 1
    +        singleWordsInClass = input
    +          .flatMap(new SingleDistinctWordSplitter())
    +          .groupBy(0, 1)
    +          .reduce((line1, line2) => (line1._1, line1._2, line1._3 + 
    +      }
    +      //POSSIBILITY 3: way of calculating pwc
    +      val p3 = resultingParameters(P3)
    +      var pwc: DataSet[(String, String, Double)] = null // (class name -> 
word -> P(w|c))
    +      if (p3 == 0) {
    +          //Join the singleWordsInClass data set with the allWordsInClass 
data set to use the
    +          //information for the calculation of p(w|c).
    +          val wordsInClass = singleWordsInClass
    +            .join(allWordsInClass).where(0).equalTo(0) {
    +            (single, all) => (single._1, single._2, single._3, all._2)
    +          } // (class name -> word -> count of that word -> count of all 
words in that class)
    +          //calculate the P(w|c) value for each word in each class
    +          // 1. Map: use normal P(w|c) formula
    +          pwc = => (line._1, line._2, (line._3 + 1) /
    +            (line._4 + vocabularyCount)))
    +      } else if (p3 == 1) {
    +        //calculate the P(w|c) value for each word in class
    +        //  1. Map: use normal P(w|c) formula / use the
    +        pwc = RichMapFunction[(String, String, 
    +          (String, String, Double)] {
    +          var broadcastMap: mutable.Map[String, Int] = mutable.Map[String, 
    +          override def open(config: Configuration): Unit = {
    +            val collection = getRuntimeContext
    +              .getBroadcastVariable[(String, 
    +            for (record <- collection) {
    +              broadcastMap.put(record._1, record._2)
    +            }
    +          }
    +          override def map(value: (String, String, Int)): (String, String, 
Double) = {
    +            (value._1, value._2, (value._3 + 1) / (broadcastMap(value._1) 
+ vocabularyCount))
    +          }
    +        }).withBroadcastSet(allWordsInClass, "allWordsInClass")
    +      }
    +      //END POSSIBILITY 3
    +      //stores all the word related information in one data set
    +      // 1. Map: Caluclate logarithms
    +      val wordRelatedModelData = => (line._1, line._2, 
    +      //store all class related information in one data set
    +      // 1. Join: P(c) data set and P(w|c) data set not in class and 
calculate logarithms
    +      val classRelatedModelData = pc.join(pwcNotInClass)
    +        .where(0).equalTo(0) {
    +        (line1, line2) => (line1._1, Math.log(line1._2), 
    +      } // (class name -> log(P(c)) -> log(P(w|c) not in class))
    +      instance.wordRelatedModelData = Some(wordRelatedModelData)
    +      instance.classRelatedModelData = Some(classRelatedModelData)
    +      //RENNIE 1: transform document frequency
    +        //for this, the improvementData set must be set
    +        //calculate (word -> log number of documents in all classes / docs 
with that word)
    +      val r1 = resultingParameters(R1)
    +      if (r1 == 1) {
    +        val totalDocumentCount: DataSet[(Double)] = documentsPerClass
    +          .reduce((line1, line2) => (line1._1, line1._2 + line2._2))
    +          .map(line => line._2) // (count of all documents)
    +        //number of occurences over all documents of all classes
    +        val wordCountTotal = input
    +          .flatMap(new SingleDistinctWordSplitter())
    +          .map(line => (line._2, 1))
    +          .groupBy(0)
    +          .reduce((line1, line2) => (line1._1, line1._2 + line2._2))
    +           // (word -> count of documents with that word)
    +        val improvementData = 
RichMapFunction[(String, Int),
    --- End diff --
    Why do you think is it a good idea to use ml/package.scala if it is not 
part of the official Flink version? There has to be a reason why it is not 
supported by know... . I suggest to keep it how it is right know and wait until 
the new broadcast logic is officially introduced...

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