
Yun Gao updated FLINK-12852:
When running tests with an upstream vertex and downstream vertex, deadlock 
occurs when submitting the job:
"Sink: Unnamed (3/500)" #136 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f2cca81b000 
nid=0x38845 waiting on condition [0x00007f2cbe9fe000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x000000073ed6b6f0> (a 
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:233)
at java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.poll(ArrayBlockingQueue.java:418)
- locked <0x000000073fbc81f0> (a java.lang.Object)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.run(Task.java:598)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
This is due to the required and max of local buffer pool is not the same and 
there may be over-allocation, when assignExclusiveSegments there are no 
available memory.


The detail of the scenarios is as follows: The parallelism of both upstream 
vertex and downstream vertex are 1500 and 500 respectively. There are 200 TM 
and each TM has 10696 buffers( in total and has 10 slots. For a TM that runs 9 
upstream tasks and 1 downstream task, the 9 upstream tasks start first with 
local buffer pool \{required = 500, max = 2 * 500 + 8 = 1008}, it produces data 
quickly and each occupy about 990 buffers. Then the DownStream task starts and 
try to assigning exclusive buffers for 1500 -9 = 1491 InputChannels. It 
requires 2981 buffers but only 1786 left. Since not all downstream tasks can 
start, the job will be blocked finally and no buffer can be released, and the 
deadlock finally occurred.


I think although increasing the network memory solves the problem, the deadlock 
may not be acceptable.  Fined grained resource management  Flink-12761 can 
solve this problem, but AFAIK in 1.9 it will not include the network memory 
into the ResourceProfile.

When running tests with an upstream vertex and downstream vertex, deadlock 
occurs when submitting the job:
"Sink: Unnamed (3/500)" #136 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f2cca81b000 
nid=0x38845 waiting on condition [0x00007f2cbe9fe000]
java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
- parking to wait for <0x000000073ed6b6f0> (a 
at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:233)
at java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.poll(ArrayBlockingQueue.java:418)
- locked <0x000000073fbc81f0> (a java.lang.Object)
at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.run(Task.java:598)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
This is due to the required and max of local buffer pool is not the same and 
there may be over-allocation, when assignExclusiveSegments there are no 
available memory.


The detail of the scenarios is as follows: The parallelism of both upstream 
vertex and downstream vertex are 1000 and 500 respectively. There are 200 TM 
and each TM has 10696 buffers( in total and has 10 slots. For a TM that runs 9 
upstream tasks and 1 downstream task, the 9 upstream tasks start first with 
local buffer pool \{required = 500, max = 2 * 500 + 8 = 1008}, it produces data 
quickly and each occupy about 990 buffers. Then the DownStream task starts and 
try to assigning exclusive buffers for 1500 -9 = 1491 InputChannels. It 
requires 2981 buffers but only 1786 left. Since not all downstream tasks can 
start, the job will be blocked finally and no buffer can be released, and the 
deadlock finally occurred.


I think although increasing the network memory solves the problem, the deadlock 
may not be acceptable.  Fined grained resource management  Flink-12761 can 
solve this problem, but AFAIK in 1.9 it will not include the network memory 
into the ResourceProfile.

> Deadlock occurs when requiring exclusive buffer for RemoteInputChannel
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-12852
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12852
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Runtime / Network
>    Affects Versions: 1.7.2, 1.8.1, 1.9.0
>            Reporter: Yun Gao
>            Assignee: Yun Gao
>            Priority: Blocker
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 1.9.0
>          Time Spent: 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> When running tests with an upstream vertex and downstream vertex, deadlock 
> occurs when submitting the job:
> {code:java}
> "Sink: Unnamed (3/500)" #136 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f2cca81b000 
> nid=0x38845 waiting on condition [0x00007f2cbe9fe000]
> java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (parking)
> at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
> - parking to wait for <0x000000073ed6b6f0> (a 
> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
> at java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos(LockSupport.java:233)
> at 
> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2078)
> at java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.poll(ArrayBlockingQueue.java:418)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io.network.buffer.NetworkBufferPool.requestMemorySegments(NetworkBufferPool.java:180)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io.network.buffer.NetworkBufferPool.requestMemorySegments(NetworkBufferPool.java:54)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io.network.partition.consumer.RemoteInputChannel.assignExclusiveSegments(RemoteInputChannel.java:139)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io.network.partition.consumer.SingleInputGate.assignExclusiveSegments(SingleInputGate.java:312)
> - locked <0x000000073fbc81f0> (a java.lang.Object)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.io.network.partition.consumer.SingleInputGate.setup(SingleInputGate.java:220)
> at 
> org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.setupPartionsAndGates(Task.java:836)
> at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.run(Task.java:598)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
> {code}
> This is due to the required and max of local buffer pool is not the same and 
> there may be over-allocation, when assignExclusiveSegments there are no 
> available memory.
> The detail of the scenarios is as follows: The parallelism of both upstream 
> vertex and downstream vertex are 1500 and 500 respectively. There are 200 TM 
> and each TM has 10696 buffers( in total and has 10 slots. For a TM that runs 
> 9 upstream tasks and 1 downstream task, the 9 upstream tasks start first with 
> local buffer pool \{required = 500, max = 2 * 500 + 8 = 1008}, it produces 
> data quickly and each occupy about 990 buffers. Then the DownStream task 
> starts and try to assigning exclusive buffers for 1500 -9 = 1491 
> InputChannels. It requires 2981 buffers but only 1786 left. Since not all 
> downstream tasks can start, the job will be blocked finally and no buffer can 
> be released, and the deadlock finally occurred.
> I think although increasing the network memory solves the problem, the 
> deadlock may not be acceptable.  Fined grained resource management  
> Flink-12761 can solve this problem, but AFAIK in 1.9 it will not include the 
> network memory into the ResourceProfile.

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