KurtYoung commented on a change in pull request #8499: [FLINK-12575] 
[table-planner-blink] Introduce planner rules to remove redundant shuffle and 
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8499#discussion_r287205339

 File path: 
 @@ -70,4 +76,150 @@ abstract class BatchExecJoinBase(
+  /**
+    * Try to satisfy hash distribution on Non-BroadcastJoin (including 
SortMergeJoin and
+    * Non-Broadcast HashJoin).
+    *
+    * @param requiredDistribution distribution requirement
+    * @return a Tuple including 3 element.
+    *         The first element is a flag which indicates whether the 
requirement can be satisfied.
+    *         The second element is the distribution requirement of left child 
if the requirement
+    *         can be push down into join.
+    *         The third element is the distribution requirement of right child 
if the requirement
+    *         can be push down into join.
+    */
+  def satisfyHashDistributionOnNonBroadcastJoin(
+      requiredDistribution: FlinkRelDistribution)
+  : (Boolean, FlinkRelDistribution, FlinkRelDistribution) = {
+    // Only Non-broadcast HashJoin could provide HashDistribution
+    if (requiredDistribution.getType != HASH_DISTRIBUTED) {
+      return (false, null, null)
+    }
+    // Full outer join cannot provide Hash distribute because it will generate 
null for left/right
+    // side if there is no match row.
+    if (joinType == JoinRelType.FULL) {
+      return (false, null, null)
+    }
+    val leftKeys = joinInfo.leftKeys
+    val rightKeys = joinInfo.rightKeys
+    val leftKeysToRightKeys = leftKeys.zip(rightKeys).toMap
+    val rightKeysToLeftKeys = rightKeys.zip(leftKeys).toMap
+    val leftFieldCnt = getLeft.getRowType.getFieldCount
+    val requiredShuffleKeys = requiredDistribution.getKeys
+    val requiredLeftShuffleKeys = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
+    val requiredRightShuffleKeys = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
+    requiredShuffleKeys.foreach { key =>
+      if (key < leftFieldCnt && joinType != JoinRelType.RIGHT) {
+        leftKeysToRightKeys.get(key) match {
+          case Some(rk) =>
+            requiredLeftShuffleKeys += key
+            requiredRightShuffleKeys += rk
+          case None if requiredDistribution.requireStrict =>
+            // Cannot satisfy required hash distribution due to required 
distribution is restrict
+            // however the key is not found in right
+            return (false, null, null)
+          case _ => // do nothing
+        }
+      } else if (key >= leftFieldCnt &&
+        (joinType == JoinRelType.RIGHT || joinType == JoinRelType.INNER)) {
+        val keysOnRightChild = key - leftFieldCnt
+        rightKeysToLeftKeys.get(keysOnRightChild) match {
+          case Some(lk) =>
+            requiredLeftShuffleKeys += lk
+            requiredRightShuffleKeys += keysOnRightChild
+          case None if requiredDistribution.requireStrict =>
+            // Cannot satisfy required hash distribution due to required 
distribution is restrict
+            // however the key is not found in left
+            return (false, null, null)
+          case _ => // do nothing
+        }
+      } else {
+        // cannot satisfy required hash distribution if requirement shuffle 
keys are not come from
+        // left side when Join is LOJ or are not come from right side when 
Join is ROJ.
+        return (false, null, null)
+      }
+    }
+    if (requiredLeftShuffleKeys.isEmpty) {
+      // the join can not satisfy the required hash distribution
+      // due to the required input shuffle keys are empty
+      return (false, null, null)
+    }
+    val (leftShuffleKeys, rightShuffleKeys) = if (joinType == 
JoinRelType.INNER &&
+      !requiredDistribution.requireStrict) {
+      (requiredLeftShuffleKeys.distinct, requiredRightShuffleKeys.distinct)
+    } else {
+      (requiredLeftShuffleKeys, requiredRightShuffleKeys)
+    }
+    (true,
+      FlinkRelDistribution.hash(ImmutableIntList.of(leftShuffleKeys: _*), 
requireStrict = true),
+      FlinkRelDistribution.hash(ImmutableIntList.of(rightShuffleKeys: _*), 
requireStrict = true))
+  }
+  /**
+    * Try to satisfy the given required traits on BroadcastJoin (including 
Broadcast-HashJoin and
+    * NestedLoopJoin).
+    *
+    * @param requiredTraitSet requirement traitSets
+    * @return Equivalent Join which satisfies required traitSet, return null if
+    *         requirement cannot be satisfied.
+    */
+  protected def satisfyTraitsOnBroadcastJoin(
+      requiredTraitSet: RelTraitSet,
+      leftIsBroadcast: Boolean): RelNode = {
+    val requiredDistribution = 
+    val keys = requiredDistribution.getKeys
+    val left = getLeft
+    val right = getRight
+    val leftFieldCnt = left.getRowType.getFieldCount
+    val canSatisfy = requiredDistribution.getType match {
+        // required distribution can be satisfied only if distribution keys 
all from
+        // non-broadcast side of BroadcastJoin
+        if (leftIsBroadcast) {
+          // all distribution keys must come from right child
+          keys.forall(_ >= leftFieldCnt)
+        } else {
+          // all distribution keys must come from left child
+          keys.forall(_ < leftFieldCnt)
+        }
+      // distribution cannot be pushed down.
+      case _ => false
+    }
+    if (!canSatisfy) {
+      return null
+    }
+    val keysInProbeSide = if (leftIsBroadcast) {
+      ImmutableIntList.of(keys.map(_ - leftFieldCnt): _ *)
+    } else {
+      keys
+    }
+    val inputRequiredDistribution = requiredDistribution.getType match {
+      case HASH_DISTRIBUTED =>
+        FlinkRelDistribution.hash(keysInProbeSide, 
+      case RANGE_DISTRIBUTED =>
+        FlinkRelDistribution.range(keysInProbeSide)
+    }
+    // remove collation traits from input traits and provided traits
 Review comment:
   why not building from an empty traitset and add the traits you can provide?

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