
lamber-ken commented on FLINK-12558:

hi, thanks for assign this issue [~frank wang], maybe the CLI is terminated 
abruptly, e.g., typing Ctrl + C. If use +-sae+ option, will not happen again.
$FLINK_HOME/bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -sae -yn 2 -c xxxx {code}

> Yarn application can't stop when flink job finished in normal mode
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-12558
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12558
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Deployment / YARN, Runtime / REST
>    Affects Versions: 1.6.3
>            Reporter: lamber-ken
>            Assignee: frank wang
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: image-2019-05-20-18-47-12-497.png, jobmanager.txt
> I run a flink +SocketWindowWordCount+ job on yarn cluste mode, when I kill 
> the socket, the flink job can't stopped. and I can't reproduct the bug again.
> *Steps 1*
> {code:java}
> nc -lk 9999
> {code}
> *Steps 2*
> {code:java}
> bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 2 
> examples/streaming/SocketWindowWordCount.jar --hostname --port 
> 9999
> {code}
> *Steps 3*
>  cancel the above nc command
> *Steps 4*
>  every thing gone
>     !image-2019-05-20-18-47-12-497.png!
>  ** 

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