
Jeff Zhang commented on FLINK-12214:

Thanks for the comment, [~till.rohrmann]. The background is that I am working 
on integrating flink with apache zeppelin notebook. In apache zeppelin 
notebook, we allow user to run flink scala code or sql. For each piece fo code, 
I'd like to associate it with its corresponding flink job. So that user can 
link to flink job ui in zeppelin notebook, also he can cancel this job. Here's 
one screenshot of my POC, in this screenshot you can see the FLINK JOB link 
which will link to the flink job ui



> Add JobListener to capture job submission process
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-12214
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12214
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Runtime / Coordination
>            Reporter: Jeff Zhang
>            Assignee: Jeff Zhang
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>         Attachments: image-2019-04-17-00-11-00-020.png, 
> image-2019-04-17-00-13-15-999.png, image-2019-04-17-00-15-16-750.png
>          Time Spent: 20m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> Third party library would like to add some hook when submitting jobs. So it 
> would be nice to have JobListener for flink.
> More details about the motivation:
> The background is that I am working on integrating flink with apache zeppelin 
> notebook. In apache zeppelin notebook, we allow user to run flink scala code 
> or sql. For each piece fo code, I'd like to associate it with its 
> corresponding flink job. So that user can link to flink job ui in zeppelin 
> notebook, also he can cancel this job. Here's one screenshot of my POC, in 
> this screenshot you can see the FLINK JOB link which will link to the flink 
> job ui. That's why I'd like to add hook in flink's job submission, so that I 
> can link each piece of flink code to paragraph (the following screenshot) 
> which is a concept of zeppelin
> !image-2019-04-17-00-15-16-750.png!

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