
Jingsong Lee commented on FLINK-11974:

1.As [https://shipilev.net/blog/2015/black-magic-method-dispatch/] say: *Class 
Hierarchy Analysis* find there is only a single subclass of a given class, it 
will inline invoke. As I know, CHA will check all sub ClassLoader. So as long 
as there are multiple OneInputStreamOperator implementations in ClassLoader and 
its subClassLoader of OneInputOperatorWrapper, inline will not work. It should 
have little to do with final.

2.Yes, processElement and Output.collect still remain, We have experimented in 
the blink code inside, eliminating virtual call through some radical way. The 
query 1 of TPC-H shows that the performance has improved by about 15%. 
WholeStageCodeGen, which Spark has completed, can solve this problem, but that 
makes debugging complicated.

> Introduce StreamOperatorSubstitutor to help table perform the whole Operator 
> CodeGen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-11974
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11974
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Runtime / Operators
>            Reporter: Jingsong Lee
>            Assignee: Jingsong Lee
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>          Time Spent: 10m
>  Remaining Estimate: 0h
> If we need CodeGen an entire Operator, one possible solution is to introduce 
> an OperatorWrapper, then generate a CodeGen sub-Operator in OperatorWrapper's 
> open, and then proxy all methods to the sub-Operator.
> Doing so results in multiple virtual function calls, so we introduce a 
> StreamOperatorSubstitutor:
> {code:java}
> /**
>  * Basic interface for stream operator substitutes. It is transferred to the 
> streamTask by
>  * serialization, and produce an actual stream operator to the streamTask, 
> who uses the actual
>  * stream operator to run.
>  *
>  * @param <OUT> output type of the actual stream operator
>  */
> public interface StreamOperatorSubstitutor<OUT> {
>    /**
>     * Produces the actual stream operator.
>     *
>     * @param userCodeClassLoader the user code class loader to use.
>     * @return the actual stream operator created on {@code StreamTask}.
>     */
>    StreamOperator<OUT> getActualStreamOperator(ClassLoader 
> userCodeClassLoader);
> }
> {code}
> In StreamConfig.getStreamOperator, we need:
> {code:java}
> if (operator != null && operator instanceof StreamOperatorSubstitutor) {
>    return (T) ((StreamOperatorSubstitutor) 
> operator).getActualStreamOperator(cl);
> } else {
>    return (T) operator;
> }
> {code}
> to get the real operator.

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