
Aljoscha Krettek updated FLINK-11458:
    Summary: Ensure sinks commit side-effects when cancelling with savepoint.  
(was: Ensure sink commit side-effects when cancelling with savepoint.)

> Ensure sinks commit side-effects when cancelling with savepoint.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-11458
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11458
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: State Backends, Checkpointing
>    Affects Versions: 1.8.0
>            Reporter: Kostas Kloudas
>            Assignee: Kostas Kloudas
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 1.8.0
> We are targeting to expose two version of the previous 
> {{cancelWithSavepoint}} to the user. These are {{SUSPEND}} and {{DRAIN}}. At 
> a high level, the {{SUSPEND}} means "pause the job with the intention to 
> restart it" while {{DRAIN}} stands for finishing the job without the 
> intention to restart it. 
> Both of them are going to make the source stop accepting new elements, and at 
> the end take a savepoint and let the job go to state {{FINISHED}}. The 
> difference is that in the case of {{DRAINING}}, before stopping the sources 
> we also emit a {{MAX_WATERMARK}} so that also the registered (event time) 
> timers fire. In addition, in the case of {{DRAINING}}, the {{close()}} method 
> will be called.

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