
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-10678:

dawidwys closed pull request #6959: [FLINK-10678][e2e] Introduced switch to 
disable log checking in e2e tests
URL: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/6959

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-nightly-tests.sh 
index 46931495d27..bbb0e9e5885 100755
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-nightly-tests.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-nightly-tests.sh
@@ -41,19 +41,25 @@ echo "Flink distribution directory: $FLINK_DIR"
 # Template for adding a test:
-# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>"
+# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>" 
+# With the "skip_check_exceptions" flag one can disable default exceptions and 
errors checking in log files. This should be done
+# carefully though. A valid reasons for doing so could be e.g killing TMs 
randomly as we cannot predict what exception could be thrown. Whenever
+# those checks are disabled, one should take care that a proper checks are 
performed in the tests itself that ensure that the test finished
+# in an expected state.
 run_test "ConnectedComponents iterations with high parallelism end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_high_parallelism_iterations.sh 25"
 run_test "Queryable state (rocksdb) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_queryable_state.sh rocksdb"
-run_test "Queryable state (rocksdb) with TM restart end-to-end test" 
+run_test "Queryable state (rocksdb) with TM restart end-to-end test" 
-run_test "Running HA dataset end-to-end test" 
+run_test "Running HA dataset end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_dataset.sh" "skip_check_exceptions"
-run_test "Running HA (file, async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh file true false"
-run_test "Running HA (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh file false false"
-run_test "Running HA (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh rocks true false"
-run_test "Running HA (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh rocks true true"
+run_test "Running HA (file, async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh file true false" 
+run_test "Running HA (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh file false false" 
+run_test "Running HA (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh rocks true false" 
+run_test "Running HA (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_ha_datastream.sh rocks true true" 
 run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, no parallelism change) end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_resume_savepoint.sh 2 2 file true"
 run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, no parallelism change) end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_resume_savepoint.sh 2 2 file false"
@@ -87,17 +93,17 @@ run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal 
failure (rocks, non-in
 run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (rocks, 
incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_resume_externalized_checkpoints.sh 2 2 rocks 
true true true"
 run_test "DataSet allround end-to-end test" 
-run_test "Streaming SQL end-to-end test" 
-run_test "Streaming bucketing end-to-end test" 
-run_test "Streaming File Sink end-to-end test" 
+run_test "Streaming SQL end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_streaming_sql.sh" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Streaming bucketing end-to-end test" 
+run_test "Streaming File Sink end-to-end test" 
 run_test "Stateful stream job upgrade end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_stateful_stream_job_upgrade.sh 2 4"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 3 file 
false false"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 3 file 
false true"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
false false"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
true false"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
false true"
-run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
true true"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 3 file 
false false" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 3 file 
false true" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
false false" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
true false" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
false true" "skip_check_exceptions"
+run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_local_recovery_and_scheduling.sh 4 10 rocks 
true true" "skip_check_exceptions"
 run_test "Elasticsearch (v1.7.1) sink end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_streaming_elasticsearch.sh 1 
 run_test "Elasticsearch (v2.3.5) sink end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/test_streaming_elasticsearch.sh 2 
diff --git a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-pre-commit-tests.sh 
index ce26348978e..e3de03655aa 100755
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-pre-commit-tests.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-pre-commit-tests.sh
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@ echo "flink-end-to-end-test directory: $END_TO_END_DIR"
 echo "Flink distribution directory: $FLINK_DIR"
 # Template for adding a test:
-# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>"
+# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>" 
+# With the "skip_check_exceptions" flag one can disable default exceptions and 
errors checking in log files. This should be done
+# carefully though. A valid reasons for doing so could be e.g killing TMs 
randomly as we cannot predict what exception could be thrown. Whenever
+# those checks are disabled, one should take care that a proper checks are 
performed in the tests itself that ensure that the test finished
+# in an expected state.
 run_test "Batch Python Wordcount end-to-end test" 
 run_test "Streaming Python Wordcount end-to-end test" 
diff --git a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-single-test.sh 
index 833a78a5af3..943bc826462 100755
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-single-test.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/run-single-test.sh
@@ -18,10 +18,16 @@
 # This can be used to run a single test in the context of a test runnner
-# Usage: ./run-single-test.sh test-scripts/my-test-case.sh
+# Usage: ./run-single-test.sh [skip] test-scripts/my-test-case.sh
+# With the "skip" flag one can disable default exceptions and errors checking 
in log files. This should be done carefully though.
+# A valid reasons for doing so could be e.g killing TMs randomly as we cannot 
predict what exception could be thrown. Whenever
+# those checks are disabled, one should take care that a proper checks are 
performed in the tests itself that ensure that the test finished
+# in an expected state.
 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "Usage: ./run-single-test.sh <path-to-test-script> [<arg1> <arg2> 
+    echo "Usage: ./run-single-test.sh [skip] <path-to-test-script> [<arg1> 
<arg2> ...]"
     exit 1
@@ -47,6 +53,10 @@ FLINK_DIR="`( cd \"$FLINK_DIR\" && pwd -P )`" # absolutized 
and normalized
 echo "flink-end-to-end-test directory: $END_TO_END_DIR"
 echo "Flink distribution directory: $FLINK_DIR"
-run_test "$*" "$*"
+if [[ "$1" = "skip" ]]; then
+    run_test "${*:2}" "${*:2}" "skip_check_exceptions"
+    run_test "$*" "$*"
 exit 0
diff --git a/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test-runner-common.sh 
index 427416e7af9..0e56d2ac250 100644
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test-runner-common.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test-runner-common.sh
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ source "${END_TO_END_DIR}"/test-scripts/common.sh
 # Arguments:
 #   $1: description of the test
 #   $2: command to execute
+#   $3: check logs for erors & exceptions
 function run_test {
-    description="$1"
-    command="$2"
+    local description="$1"
+    local command="$2"
+    local skip_check_exceptions="$3"
     printf "Running '${description}'\n"
@@ -43,9 +45,11 @@ function run_test {
-    check_logs_for_errors
-    check_logs_for_exceptions
-    check_logs_for_non_empty_out_files
+    if [[ "${skip_check_exceptions}" != "skip_check_exceptions" ]]; then
+        check_logs_for_errors
+        check_logs_for_exceptions
+        check_logs_for_non_empty_out_files
+    fi
     # Investigate exit_code for failures of test executable as well as 
EXIT_CODE for failures of the test.
     # Do not clean up if either fails.
diff --git 
index 0ce3db62dd2..56d811e14a1 100755
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test_queryable_state_restart_tm.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test_queryable_state_restart_tm.sh
@@ -51,10 +51,6 @@ function run_test() {
     local PARALLELISM=1 # parallelism of queryable state app
     local PORT="9069" # port of queryable state server
-    # to ensure there are no files accidentally left behind by previous tests
-    clean_log_files
-    clean_stdout_files
     # speeds up TM loss detection
     set_conf "heartbeat.interval" "2000"
     set_conf "heartbeat.timeout" "10000"
@@ -169,12 +165,6 @@ function get_completed_number_of_checkpoints {
 function test_cleanup {
-    # this is needed b.c. otherwise we might have exceptions from when
-    # we kill the task manager left behind in the logs, which would cause
-    # our test to fail in the cleanup function
-    clean_log_files
-    clean_stdout_files
 trap test_cleanup EXIT
diff --git a/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test_streaming_sql.sh 
index 0aa931ef2d3..597047f291a 100755
--- a/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test_streaming_sql.sh
+++ b/flink-end-to-end-tests/test-scripts/test_streaming_sql.sh
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ function sql_cleanup() {
   # remove flink-table from lib folder
   rm $FLINK_DIR/lib/flink-table*jar
-  # remove logs cause they contain exceptions that shouldn't fail the test
-  rm $FLINK_DIR/log/*
 trap sql_cleanup INT
 trap sql_cleanup EXIT


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> Add a switch to run_test to configure if logs should be checked for 
> errors/excepions
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10678
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10678
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: E2E Tests
>    Affects Versions: 1.7.0
>            Reporter: Dawid Wysakowicz
>            Assignee: Dawid Wysakowicz
>            Priority: Blocker
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 1.7.0
> After adding the switch, we should disable log checking for nightly-tests 
> that currently fail (or fix the test).

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

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