
Piotr Nowojski commented on FLINK-10320:

Ok thank you for providing motivation :)

You could try to setup the benchmark as you described (with some dummy 
{{TaskManagers}}). Other possible way to provide such benchmarks would be to 
just spam a JobMaster with some fake pre made RPC calls, without setting up any 
TaskManager. I’m not very familiar with JobMaster code to predict whether this 
approach would be easier/better. Regardless of the used approach just keep in 
mind following things while developing such benchmark:
 * benchmark should actually stress the thing that you want to test. Use code 
profiler to make sure that 90+% of CPU time is being spent in relevant 
JobMaster code and not in TaskManager/ResourceManager mocks or other irrelevant 
 * use/re-use as much as possible production code. If you are forced to write 
thousands lines of code to setup a benchmark, something is wrong (usually that 
means the code you are trying to benchmark is untestable as well) and it will 
be difficult to maintain such benchmark.
 * can’t we re-use the code from unit/integration tests? Even if there is no 
TestingTaskExecutor I’m guessing that there must exist some other places that 
test the thing that you want to benchmark? That’s often at least a good place 
to start - convert existing unit/integration tests into benchmarks.

> Introduce JobMaster schedule micro-benchmark
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10320
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10320
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Tests
>            Reporter: 陈梓立
>            Assignee: 陈梓立
>            Priority: Major
> Based on {{org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.io.benchmark}} stuff and the 
> repo [flink-benchmark|https://github.com/dataArtisans/flink-benchmarks], I 
> proposal to introduce another micro-benchmark which focuses on {{JobMaster}} 
> schedule performance
> h3. Target
> Benchmark how long from {{JobMaster}} startup(receive the {{JobGraph}} and 
> init) to all tasks RUNNING. Technically we use bounded stream and TM finishes 
> tasks as soon as they arrived. So the real interval we measure is to all 
> tasks FINISHED.
> h3. Case
> 1. JobGraph that cover EAGER + PIPELINED edges
> 2. JobGraph that cover LAZY_FROM_SOURCES + PIPELINED edges
> 3. JobGraph that cover LAZY_FROM_SOURCES + BLOCKING edges
> ps: maybe benchmark if the source is get from {{InputSplit}}?
> h3. Implement
> Based on the flink-benchmark repo, we finally run benchmark using jmh. So the 
> whole test suit is separated into two repos. The testing environment could be 
> located in the main repo, maybe under 
> flink-runtime/src/test/java/org/apache/flink/runtime/jobmaster/benchmark.
> To measure the performance of {{JobMaster}} scheduling, we need to simulate 
> an environment that:
> 1. has a real {{JobMaster}}
> 2. has a mock/testing {{ResourceManager}} that having infinite resource and 
> react immediately.
> 3. has a(many?) mock/testing {{TaskExecutor}} that deploy and finish tasks 
> immediately.
> [~trohrm...@apache.org] [~GJL] [~pnowojski] could you please review this 
> proposal to help clarify the goal and concrete details? Thanks in advance.
> Any suggestions are welcome.

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