
xuqianjin commented on FLINK-10134:

I'm trying to repair this bug. What's wrong with it? Please give your comments. 
Thank you.

The following three major modifications have been made.
 # I add file bom charset check in FileInputFormat.java
 # I add the bomCharsetName variable in DelimitedInputFormat.java.
 # In TextInputFormat, if the current encoding conflicts with the BOM encoding, 
the BOM encoding is the standard, and if no conflict occurs, the set encoding 
is the standard.

> UTF-16 support for TextInputFormat
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10134
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10134
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 1.4.2
>            Reporter: David Dreyfus
>            Priority: Blocker
>              Labels: pull-request-available
> It does not appear that Flink supports a charset encoding of "UTF-16". It 
> particular, it doesn't appear that Flink consumes the Byte Order Mark (BOM) 
> to establish whether a UTF-16 file is UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE.
> TextInputFormat.setCharset("UTF-16") calls DelimitedInputFormat.setCharset(), 
> which sets TextInputFormat.charsetName and then modifies the previously set 
> delimiterString to construct the proper byte string encoding of the the 
> delimiter. This same charsetName is also used in TextInputFormat.readRecord() 
> to interpret the bytes read from the file.
> There are two problems that this implementation would seem to have when using 
> UTF-16.
>  # delimiterString.getBytes(getCharset()) in DelimitedInputFormat.java will 
> return a Big Endian byte sequence including the Byte Order Mark (BOM). The 
> actual text file will not contain a BOM at each line ending, so the delimiter 
> will never be read. Moreover, if the actual byte encoding of the file is 
> Little Endian, the bytes will be interpreted incorrectly.
>  # TextInputFormat.readRecord() will not see a BOM each time it decodes a 
> byte sequence with the String(bytes, offset, numBytes, charset) call. 
> Therefore, it will assume Big Endian, which may not always be correct. [1] 
> [https://github.com/apache/flink/blob/master/flink-java/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/api/java/io/TextInputFormat.java#L95]
> While there are likely many solutions, I would think that all of them would 
> have to start by reading the BOM from the file when a Split is opened and 
> then using that BOM to modify the specified encoding to a BOM specific one 
> when the caller doesn't specify one, and to overwrite the caller's 
> specification if the BOM is in conflict with the caller's specification. That 
> is, if the BOM indicates Little Endian and the caller indicates UTF-16BE, 
> Flink should rewrite the charsetName as UTF-16LE.
>  I hope this makes sense and that I haven't been testing incorrectly or 
> misreading the code.
> I've verified the problem on version 1.4.2. I believe the problem exists on 
> all versions. 

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