
陈梓立 edited comment on FLINK-10298 at 9/7/18 6:13 PM:

Hi [~isunjin], Thanks for raise this JIRA!

After read the documentation, it seems that the main issue this design 
concerned is downstream recover from upstream missing or data consumption 
exceptions. Thus I wonder if you have read [FILNK-6227] which introduce the 
DataConsumptionException for downstream task failure that would resolve this 

was (Author: tison):
Hi [~isunjin], Thanks for raise this JIRA!

After read the documentation, it seems that the main issue this design 
concerned is downstream recover from upstream DataConsumptionException. Thus I 
wonder if you have read [FILNK-6227] which introduce the 
DataConsumptionException for downstream task failure that would resolve this 

> Batch Job Failover Strategy
> ---------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10298
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10298
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: JobManager
>            Reporter: JIN SUN
>            Assignee: JIN SUN
>            Priority: Major
> The new failover strategy needs to consider handling failures according to 
> different failure types. It orchestrates all the logics we mentioned in this 
> [document|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FdZdcA63tPUEewcCimTFy9Iz2jlVlMRANZkO4RngIuk/edit],
>  we can put the logic in onTaskFailure method of the FailoverStrategy 
> interface, with the logic inline:
> {code:java}
> public void onTaskFailure(Execution taskExecution, Throwable cause) {  
>         //1. Get the throwable type
>         //2. If the type is NonrecoverableType fail the job
>         //3. If the type is PatritionDataMissingError, do revocation
>         //4. If the type is EnvironmentError, do check blacklist
>         //5. Other failure types are recoverable, but we need to remember the 
> count of the failure,
>         //6. if it exceeds the threshold, fail the job
> }{code}

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