
Timo Walther edited comment on FLINK-10119 at 8/14/18 9:51 AM:

Yes, we can add more configuration possibilities:
- One could be ignore the entire record in this case.
- The other one could be add a `errors` (with configured name) field to the row 
that might be null or contains the JSON parsing exception message.

was (Author: twalthr):
Yes, we can add more configuration possibilities.

> JsonRowDeserializationSchema deserialize kafka message
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-10119
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10119
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Kafka Connector
>    Affects Versions: 1.5.1
>         Environment: 无
>            Reporter: sean.miao
>            Assignee: buptljy
>            Priority: Major
> Recently, we are using Kafka010JsonTableSource to process kafka's json 
> messages.We turned on checkpoint and auto-restart strategy .
> We found that as long as the format of a message is not json, it will cause 
> the job to not be pulled up. Of course, this is to ensure that only once 
> processing or at least once processing, but the resulting application is not 
> available and has a greater impact on us.
> the code is :
> class : JsonRowDeserializationSchema
> function :
> @Override
>  public Row deserialize(byte[] message) throws IOException {
>  try
> { final JsonNode root = objectMapper.readTree(message); return 
> convertRow(root, (RowTypeInfo) typeInfo); }
> catch (Throwable t)
> { throw new IOException("Failed to deserialize JSON object.", t); }
> }
> now ,i change it to  :
> public Row deserialize(byte[] message) throws IOException {
>  try
> { JsonNode root = this.objectMapper.readTree(message); return 
> this.convertRow(root, (RowTypeInfo)this.typeInfo); }
> catch (Throwable var4) {
>  message = this.objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes("{}");
>  JsonNode root = this.objectMapper.readTree(message);
>  return this.convertRow(root, (RowTypeInfo)this.typeInfo);
>  }
>  }
> I think that data format errors are inevitable during network transmission, 
> so can we add a new column to the table for the wrong data format? like spark 
> sql does。

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