GitHub user aljoscha opened a pull request:

    [FLINK-2398][api-breaking] Introduce StreamGraphGenerator

    This decouples the building of the StreamGraph from the API methods.
    Before, the methods would build the StreamGraph as they go. Now the API
    methods build a hierachy of StreamTransformation nodes. From these a
    StreamGraph is generated upon execution.
    This also introduces some API breaking changes:
     - The result of methods that create sinks is now DataStreamSink instead
       of DataStream
     - Iterations cannot have feedback edges with differing parallelism
     - "Preserve partitioning" is not the default for feedback edges. The
       previous option for this is removed.
     - You can close an iteration several times, no need for a union.
     - Strict checking of whether partitioning and parallelism work
       together. I.e. if upstream and downstream parallelism don't match it
       is not legal to have Forward partitioning anymore. This was not very
       transparent: When you went from low parallelism to high dop some
       downstream  operators would never get any input. When you went from high
       parallelism to low dop you would get skew in the downstream operators
       because all elements that would be forwarded to an operator that is not
       "there" go to another operator. This requires insertion of global()
       or rebalance() in some places. For example with most sources which
       have parallelism one.
    This is from the Javadoc of StreamTransformation, it describes quite well 
how it works:
    A {@code StreamTransformation} represents the operation that creates a
     * {@link org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream}. Every
     * {@link org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream} has an 
     * {@code StreamTransformation} that is the origin of said DataStream.
     * <p>
     * API operations such as {@link 
org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream#map} create
     * a tree of {@code StreamTransformation}s underneath. When the stream 
program is to be executed this
     * graph is translated to a {@link StreamGraph} using
     * {@link org.apache.flink.streaming.api.graph.StreamGraphGenerator}.
     * <p>
     * A {@code StreamTransformation} does not necessarily correspond to a 
physical operation
     * at runtime. Some operations are only logical concepts. Examples of this 
are union,
     * split/select data stream, partitioning.
     * <p>
     * The following graph of {@code StreamTransformations}:
     * <pre>
Source              Source        
    +                   +           
    |                   |           
    v                   v           
     *  Rebalance          HashPartition    
    +                   +           
    |                   |           
    |                   |           
     *      +------>Union<------+           
     *              Sink 
     * </pre>
     * Would result in this graph of operations at runtime:
     * <pre>
     *  Source              Source
     *    +                   +
     *    |                   |
     *    |                   |
     *    +------->Map<-------+
     *              +
     *              |
     *              v
     *             Sink
     * </pre>
     * The information about partitioning, union, split/select end up being 
encoded in the edges
     * that connect the sources to the map operation.
    I still have to fix the Scala examples, but you can already comment on the 
overall idea and implementation.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull stream-api-rework

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #988
commit dce02be23fc98390b8b0b98f02ad1dd69be30d4c
Author: Aljoscha Krettek <>
Date:   2015-07-23T13:12:38Z

    [FLINK-2398][api-breaking] Introduce StreamGraphGenerator
    This decouples the building of the StreamGraph from the API methods.
    Before the methods would build the StreamGraph as they go. Now the API
    methods build a hierachy of StreamTransformation nodes. From these a
    StreamGraph is generated upon execution.
    This also introduces some API breaking changes:
     - The result of methods that create sinks is now DataStreamSink instead
       of DataStream
     - Iterations cannot have feedback edges with differing parallelism
     - "Preserve partitioning" is not the default for feedback edges. The
       previous option for this is removed.
     - You can close an iteration several times, no need for a union.
     - Strict checking of whether partitioning and parallelism work
       together. I.e. if upstream and downstream parallelism don't match it
       is not legal to have Forward partitioning anymore. This was not very
       transparent: When you went from low parallelism to high dop some
       downstream  operators would never get any input. When you went from high
       parallelism to low dop you would get skew in the downstream operators
       because all elements that would be forwarded to an operator that is not
       "there" go to another operator. This requires insertion of global()
       or rebalance() in some places. For example with most sources which
       have parallelism one.


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enabled and wishes so, or if the feature is enabled but not working, please
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