Github user twalthr commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -40,27 +45,68 @@
     public abstract class KafkaTableSink implements AppendStreamTableSink<Row> 
    +   // TODO make all attributes final and mandatory once we drop support 
for format-specific table sinks
    +   /** The schema of the table. */
    +   private final Optional<TableSchema> schema;
    +   /** The Kafka topic to write to. */
        protected final String topic;
    +   /** Properties for the Kafka producer. */
        protected final Properties properties;
    -   protected SerializationSchema<Row> serializationSchema;
    +   /** Serialization schema for encoding records to Kafka. */
    +   protected Optional<SerializationSchema<Row>> serializationSchema;
    +   /** Partitioner to select Kafka partition for each item. */
        protected final FlinkKafkaPartitioner<Row> partitioner;
    +   // legacy variables
        protected String[] fieldNames;
        protected TypeInformation[] fieldTypes;
    +   /**
    --- End diff --
    Having more comments doesn't harm. It is also done in other internal 
classes such as 
`org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducerBase`. With more 
options that might be exposed in the future from the underlying producer this 
might become more important.


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