Github user Matrix42 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
flink-yarn/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/yarn/ ---
    @@ -49,30 +54,45 @@ public YarnClusterDescriptor(
        protected String getYarnSessionClusterEntrypoint() {
    -           return YarnApplicationMasterRunner.class.getName();
    +           return YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint.class.getName();
        protected String getYarnJobClusterEntrypoint() {
    -           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The old Yarn 
descriptor does not support proper per-job mode.");
    +           return YarnJobClusterEntrypoint.class.getName();
    -   public YarnClusterClient deployJobCluster(
    -                   ClusterSpecification clusterSpecification,
    -                   JobGraph jobGraph,
    -                   boolean detached) {
    -           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot deploy a 
per-job yarn cluster yet.");
    +   public ClusterClient<ApplicationId> deployJobCluster(
    +           ClusterSpecification clusterSpecification,
    +           JobGraph jobGraph,
    +           boolean detached) throws ClusterDeploymentException {
    +           // this is required because the slots are allocated lazily
    +           jobGraph.setAllowQueuedScheduling(true);
    +           try {
    +                   return deployInternal(
    +                           clusterSpecification,
    +                           "Flink per-job cluster",
    +                           getYarnJobClusterEntrypoint(),
    +                           jobGraph,
    +                           detached);
    +           } catch (Exception e) {
    +                   throw new ClusterDeploymentException("Could not deploy 
Yarn job cluster.", e);
    +           }
    -   protected ClusterClient<ApplicationId> 
createYarnClusterClient(AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor descriptor, int 
numberTaskManagers, int slotsPerTaskManager, ApplicationReport report, 
Configuration flinkConfiguration, boolean perJobCluster) throws Exception {
    -           return new YarnClusterClient(
    -                   descriptor,
    -                   numberTaskManagers,
    -                   slotsPerTaskManager,
    -                   report,
    +   protected ClusterClient<ApplicationId> createYarnClusterClient(
    +                   AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor descriptor,
    +                   int numberTaskManagers,
    +                   int slotsPerTaskManager,
    +                   ApplicationReport report,
    +                   Configuration flinkConfiguration,
    +                   boolean perJobCluster) throws Exception {
    +           return new RestClusterClient<>(
    --- End diff --
    why don't return a YarnClusterClient here?


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