
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-9676:

Github user zhijiangW commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -594,22 +626,22 @@ public String getMessage() {
    -            * Adds an exclusive buffer (back) into the queue and recycles 
one floating buffer if the
    +            * Adds an exclusive buffer (back) into the queue and removes 
one floating buffer if the
                 * number of available buffers in queue is more than the 
required amount.
                 * @param buffer The exclusive buffer to add
                 * @param numRequiredBuffers The number of required buffers
    -            * @return How many buffers were added to the queue
    +            * @return How many buffers were added to the queue (<tt>0</tt> 
or <tt>1</tt>) and the
    +            *         floating buffer which was removed and should be 
released (outside!)
    -           int addExclusiveBuffer(Buffer buffer, int numRequiredBuffers) {
    +           Tuple2<Integer, Optional<Buffer>> addExclusiveBuffer(Buffer 
buffer, int numRequiredBuffers) {
                        if (getAvailableBufferSize() > numRequiredBuffers) {
    --- End diff --
    yes, this is not critical. Just thought of it to exchange with you! :)

> Deadlock during canceling task and recycling exclusive buffer
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-9676
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9676
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Network
>    Affects Versions: 1.5.0
>            Reporter: zhijiang
>            Assignee: Nico Kruber
>            Priority: Critical
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 1.5.1, 1.6.0
> It may cause deadlock between task canceler thread and task thread.
> The detail is as follows:
> {{Task canceler thread -> IC1#releaseAllResources -> recycle floating buffers 
> -> {color:#d04437}lock{color}(LocalBufferPool#availableMemorySegments) -> 
> IC2#notifyBufferAvailable}} > {color:#d04437}try to 
> lock{color}(IC2#bufferQueue)
> {{Task thread -> IC2#recycle -> {color:#d04437}lock{color}(IC2#bufferQueue) 
> -> bufferQueue#addExclusiveBuffer}} -> {{floatingBuffer#recycleBuffer}} -> 
> {color:#d04437}try to lock{color}(LocalBufferPool#availableMemorySegments)
> One solution is that {{listener#notifyBufferAvailable}} can be called outside 
> the {{synchronized(availableMemorySegments) in }}{{LocalBufferPool#recycle.}}
> The existing RemoteInputChannelTest#testConcurrentOnSenderBacklogAndRecycle 
> can cover this case but the deadlock probability is very low, so this UT is 
> not stable.

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