Github user sihuazhou commented on the issue: Maybe let me elaborate the TTL checking condition in detail, overall the checking condition contains two parts and looks like `(current_ts - update_ts) - time_shift_offset >= TTL`. The `time_shift_offset` is the shift offset that we should applied when checking the TTL. - For the records that the `update_ts` > `checkpoint_ts`, we could know they were created(or updated) after the last restoring so we don't need to apply any shift to it. So that shift offset is `0`. - For the records that the `update_ts` <= `checkpoint_ts`, we could know they were created(or updated) before the last restoring so we need to apply the shift to it, the shift offset is `recovery_ts - checkpoint_ts`. In our current code, we didn't do the time-align works, it equals to a special case of the above condition where the `time_shift_offset` is always `0`.