Github user xueyumusic commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -328,6 +330,42 @@ case class TemporalOverlaps(
    +  /**
    +    * Standard conversion of the TIMESTAMPADD operator.
    +    * Source: 
    +    */
    +case class TimestampAdd(
    +    unit: Expression,
    +    count: Expression,
    +    timestamp: Expression)
    +  extends Expression {
    +  override private[flink] def children = unit :: count :: timestamp :: Nil
    +  override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder) = 
    +    var timeUnit : Option[TimeUnit] = None
    +    if (unit.isInstanceOf[Literal]) {
    +        var unitValue= unit.asInstanceOf[Literal].value.toString()
    +        val sqlTsiArray = Array("SQL_TSI_YEAR", "SQL_TSI_QUARTER", 
    +            "SQL_TSI_DAY", "SQL_TSI_HOUR", "SQL_TSI_MINUTE", 
    +        if (sqlTsiArray.contains(unitValue)) {
    +          unitValue = unitValue.split("_").last
    +        }
    +        timeUnit = Some(TimeUnit.valueOf(unitValue))
    +    }
    +, timestamp.toRexNode,
    --- End diff --
    Hi, @walterddr , thanks, do you mean that support both `timestampAdd("DAY", 
1 ,"2016-06-15".toDate)` and `timestampAdd("INTERVAL 1 DAY", 
"2016-06-15".toDate)` two kinds of api. I considered both api format at the 
beginning and chose only one after. If could support both, that will be better.


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