
ASF GitHub Bot commented on FLINK-9280:

Github user zentol commented on a diff in the pull request:

    --- Diff: 
    @@ -54,18 +69,89 @@ public JobSubmitHandler(
        protected CompletableFuture<JobSubmitResponseBody> 
handleRequest(@Nonnull HandlerRequest<JobSubmitRequestBody, 
EmptyMessageParameters> request, @Nonnull DispatcherGateway gateway) throws 
RestHandlerException {
    -           JobGraph jobGraph;
    -           try {
    -                   ObjectInputStream objectIn = new ObjectInputStream(new 
    -                   jobGraph = (JobGraph) objectIn.readObject();
    -           } catch (Exception e) {
    -                   throw new RestHandlerException(
    -                           "Failed to deserialize JobGraph.",
    -                           HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
    -                           e);
    +           Collection<Path> uploadedFiles = request.getUploadedFiles();
    +           Map<String, Path> nameToFile = 
    +                   path -> path.getFileName().toString(),
    +                   entry -> entry
    +           ));
    +           JobSubmitRequestBody requestBody = request.getRequestBody();
    +           Path jobGraphFile = 
getPathAndAssertUpload(requestBody.jobGraphFileName, "JobGraph", nameToFile);
    +           Collection<org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path> jarFiles = new 
    +           for (String jarFileName : requestBody.jarFileNames) {
    +                   Path jarFile = getPathAndAssertUpload(jarFileName, 
"Jar", nameToFile);
    +                   jarFiles.add(new 
    +           }
    +           Collection<Tuple2<String, org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path>> 
artifacts = new ArrayList<>(requestBody.artifactFileNames.size());
    +           for (JobSubmitRequestBody.DistributedCacheFile artifactFileName 
: requestBody.artifactFileNames) {
    +                   Path artifactFile = 
getPathAndAssertUpload(artifactFileName.fileName, "Artifact", nameToFile);
    +                   artifacts.add(Tuple2.of(artifactFileName.entryName, new 
    -           return gateway.submitJob(jobGraph, timeout)
    -                   .thenApply(ack -> new JobSubmitResponseBody("/jobs/" + 
    +           Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> 
temporaryHack = artifacts.stream()
    +                   .collect(Collectors.toMap(
    +                           tuple -> tuple.f0,
    +                           // the actual entry definition is mostly 
irrelevant as only the blobkey is accessed
    +                           // blame whoever wrote the ClientUtils API
    +                           tuple -> new 
DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry(tuple.f1.toString(), false)
    +                   ));
    +           // TODO: use executor
    +           CompletableFuture<JobGraph> jobGraphFuture = 
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    +                   JobGraph jobGraph;
    +                   try (ObjectInputStream objectIn = new 
ObjectInputStream(Files.newInputStream(jobGraphFile))) {
    +                           jobGraph = (JobGraph) objectIn.readObject();
    +                   } catch (Exception e) {
    +                           throw new CompletionException(new 
    +                                   "Failed to deserialize JobGraph.",
    +                                   HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
    +                                   e));
    +                   }
    +                   return jobGraph;
    +           });
    +           CompletableFuture<Integer> blobServerPortFuture = 
    +           CompletableFuture<JobGraph> finalizedJobGraphFuture = 
jobGraphFuture.thenCombine(blobServerPortFuture, (jobGraph, blobServerPort) -> {
    +                   final InetSocketAddress address = new 
InetSocketAddress(gateway.getHostname(), blobServerPort);
    +                   try (BlobClient blobClient = new BlobClient(address, 
new Configuration())) {
    +                           Collection<PermanentBlobKey> jarBlobKeys = 
ClientUtils.uploadUserJars(jobGraph.getJobID(), jarFiles, blobClient);
    +                           ClientUtils.setUserJarBlobKeys(jarBlobKeys, 
    +                           Collection<Tuple2<String, PermanentBlobKey>> 
artifactBlobKeys = ClientUtils.uploadUserArtifacts(jobGraph.getJobID(), 
temporaryHack, blobClient);
    +                           ClientUtils.setUserArtifactBlobKeys(jobGraph, 
    +                   } catch (IOException e) {
    +                           throw new CompletionException(new 
    +                                   "Could not upload job files.",
    +                                   e));
    --- End diff --
    I've filed https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-8713.

> Extend JobSubmitHandler to accept jar files
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: FLINK-9280
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-9280
>             Project: Flink
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Job-Submission, REST
>    Affects Versions: 1.5.0
>            Reporter: Chesnay Schepler
>            Assignee: Chesnay Schepler
>            Priority: Critical
>              Labels: pull-request-available
>             Fix For: 1.6.0, 1.5.1
> The job submission through the CLI first uploads all require jars to the blob 
> server, sets the blob keys in the jobgraph, and then uploads this graph to 
> The {{JobSubmitHandler}} which submits it to the Dispatcher.
> This process has the downside that it requires jars to be uploaded to the 
> blobserver before submitting the job graph, which does not happen via REST.
> I propose an extension to the the {{JobSubmitHandler}} to also accept an 
> optional list of jar files, that were previously uploaded through the 
> {{JarUploadHandler}}. If present, the handler would upload these jars to the 
> blobserver and set the blob keys.

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