Github user StefanRRichter commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -34,12 +33,10 @@
      * @param <IN> The type of the input elements.
      * @param <SV> The type of the values in the state.
      * @param <OUT> The type of the output elements.
    - * @param <S> The type of State
    -public abstract class AbstractHeapMergingState<K, N, IN, SV, OUT, S 
extends State>
    -           extends AbstractHeapState<K, N, SV, S>
    -           implements InternalMergingState<K, N, IN, SV, OUT> {
    +public abstract class AbstractHeapMergingState<K, N, IN, SV, OUT>
    +           extends AbstractHeapState<K, N, SV>
    +   implements InternalMergingState<K, N, IN, SV, OUT>, 
org.apache.flink.runtime.state.internal.InternalAppendingState<K, N, IN, SV, 
OUT> {
    --- End diff --
    I would make this a regular import.


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