Github user zentol commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
flink-runtime/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/runtime/rest/ ---
    @@ -197,6 +208,88 @@ public void shutdown(Time timeout) {
    +   public <M extends MessageHeaders<R, P, U>, U extends MessageParameters, 
R extends RequestBody, P extends ResponseBody> CompletableFuture<P> sendRequest(
    +                   String targetAddress,
    +                   int targetPort,
    +                   M messageHeaders,
    +                   U messageParameters,
    +                   R request,
    +                   Collection<Path> jars,
    +                   Collection<Path> userArtifacts) throws IOException {
    --- End diff --
    So far we managed to not expose netty stuff in the `RestClient` API, I 
would prefer if we didn't start now.
    Could we not just pass a single `Collection<Path>` instead? The 
content-type would then always be `application/octet-stream`.


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