Github user tillrohrmann commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -65,7 +86,96 @@ public JobSubmitHandler(
    -           return gateway.submitJob(jobGraph, timeout)
    +           updateJarEntriesInJobGraph(jobGraph, 
requestBody.getUploadedJars(), log);
    +           updateUserArtifactEntriesInJobGraph(jobGraph, 
requestBody.getUploadedArtifacts(), log);
    +           CompletableFuture<Integer> blobServerPortFuture = 
    +           CompletableFuture<JobGraph> jobGraphFuture = 
blobServerPortFuture.thenApply(blobServerPort -> {
    +                   final InetSocketAddress address = new 
InetSocketAddress(getDispatcherHost(gateway), blobServerPort);
    +                   final List<PermanentBlobKey> keys;
    +                   try {
    +                           keys = BlobClient.uploadFiles(address, config, 
jobGraph.getJobID(), jobGraph.getUserJars());
    +                           jobGraph.uploadUserArtifacts(address, config);
    --- End diff --
    Instead of calling `updateUserArtifactEntriesInJobGraph` and then 
`jobGraph.uploadUserArtifacts` we could simply take 
`requestBody.getUploadedArtifacts` upload them to the `BlobServer` and add the 
blob keys to the `JobGraph` such that it knows where to retrieve the user 
artifacts from.


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