Github user zentol commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: flink-end-to-end-tests/ ---
    @@ -30,168 +30,50 @@ if [ -z "$FLINK_DIR" ] ; then
         exit 1
    -source "$(dirname "$0")"/test-scripts/
    +source "$(dirname "$0")"/test-scripts/
     FLINK_DIR="`( cd \"$FLINK_DIR\" && pwd )`" # absolutized and normalized
     echo "flink-end-to-end-test directory: $END_TO_END_DIR"
     echo "Flink distribution directory: $FLINK_DIR"
     # Template for adding a test:
    -# if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -#    run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>"
    -#    EXIT_CODE=$?
    -# fi
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Running HA (file, async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Running HA (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file false false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Running HA (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Running HA (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true true"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, no parallelism change) 
end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 
file true"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, no parallelism change) 
end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 
file false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file true"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file true"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, no parallelism change) end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, async) end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 
file true false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file 
false false"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, 
async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, 
sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file 
false true"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure 
(rocks) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "DataSet allround end-to-end test" 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Streaming SQL end-to-end test" 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Streaming bucketing end-to-end test" 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Stateful stream job upgrade end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4"
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test \
    -    "Elasticsearch (v1.7.1) sink end-to-end test" \
    -    "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 1";
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test \
    -    "Elasticsearch (v2.3.5) sink end-to-end test" \
    -    "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2";
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test \
    -    "Elasticsearch (v5.1.2) sink end-to-end test" \
    -    "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 5";
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling nightly end-to-end test" 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -if [ $EXIT_CODE == 0 ]; then
    -  run_test "Quickstarts nightly end-to-end test" 
    -  EXIT_CODE=$?
    -# Exit code for Travis build success/failure
    -exit $EXIT_CODE
    +# run_test "<description>" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/<script_name>"
    +run_test "Running HA (file, async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true false"
    +run_test "Running HA (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file false false"
    +run_test "Running HA (rocks, non-incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true false"
    +run_test "Running HA (rocks, incremental) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks true true"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, no parallelism change) 
end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 
file true"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, no parallelism change) 
end-to-end test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 
file false"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file true"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 file false"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, async, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file true"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (file, sync, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 file false"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, no parallelism change) end-to-end 
test" "$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 2 rocks"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale up) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4 rocks"
    +run_test "Resuming Savepoint (rocks, scale down) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 4 2 rocks"
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true"
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (file, sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file 
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint (rocks) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks"
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, 
async) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file true 
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (file, 
sync) end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ file 
false true"
    +run_test "Resuming Externalized Checkpoint after terminal failure (rocks) 
end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ rocks 
    +run_test "DataSet allround end-to-end test" 
    +run_test "Streaming SQL end-to-end test" 
    +run_test "Streaming bucketing end-to-end test" 
    +run_test "Stateful stream job upgrade end-to-end test" 
"$END_TO_END_DIR/test-scripts/ 2 4"
    +run_test "Local recovery and sticky scheduling end-to-end test" 
    --- End diff --
    +1 to having each execution as a separate test


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