Github user tzulitai commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1116,148 +1115,177 @@ private void 
    -    * Creates a column family handle for use with a k/v state. When 
restoring from a snapshot
    -    * we don't restore the individual k/v states, just the global RocksDB 
database and the
    -    * list of column families. When a k/v state is first requested we 
check here whether we
    -    * already have a column family for that and return it or create a new 
one if it doesn't exist.
    +    * Registers a k/v state information, which includes its state id, 
type, RocksDB column family handle, and serializers.
    -    * <p>This also checks whether the {@link StateDescriptor} for a state 
matches the one
    -    * that we checkpointed, i.e. is already in the map of column families.
    +    * When restoring from a snapshot, we don’t restore the individual 
k/v states, just the global RocksDB database and
    +    * the list of k/v state information. When a k/v state is first 
requested we check here whether we
    +    * already have a registered entry for that and return it (after some 
necessary state compatibility checks)
    +    * or create a new one if it does not exist.
    -   @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes, unchecked")
    -   protected <N, S> ColumnFamilyHandle getColumnFamily(
    -           StateDescriptor<?, S> descriptor, TypeSerializer<N> 
namespaceSerializer) throws IOException, StateMigrationException {
    +   private Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, 
RegisteredKeyedBackendStateMetaInfo<?, ?>> tryRegisterKvStateInformation(
    --- End diff --
    I did not go with this approach because of the extra tuples introduced.
    Though, TBH, I wasn't sure which was the better approach, this or the one 
you pointed out.
    I would not be against this version.


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