Github user StephanEwen commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1009,6 +1013,11 @@ public boolean restoreLatestCheckpointedState(
                        LOG.debug("Status of the shared state registry after 
restore: {}.", sharedStateRegistry);
    +                   // Instruct the master hooks to initialize their state 
    +                   LOG.debug("Initializing the master hooks.");
    --- End diff --
    Can you elaborate a bit why this initialization is happening in all cases?
    An alternative would be to have a `reset()` method or so on the master hook 
that is called further below, in the `if (latest == null)` code block.
    Initializing the state seems a tad bit unituitive to me here - I somehow 
assume that an init function is called once, while this one here is called on 
every restore.


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