Github user StefanRRichter commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1125,59 +1125,62 @@ private void 
         * that we checkpointed, i.e. is already in the map of column families.
        @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes, unchecked")
    -   protected <N, S> ColumnFamilyHandle getColumnFamily(
    +   protected <N, S> Tuple2<ColumnFamilyHandle, 
RegisteredKeyedBackendStateMetaInfo<N, S>> getColumnFamilyAndStateSerializer(
    --- End diff --
    I think this method has grown way too complex over time, and looking at the 
`Tuple2` return type it becomes more and more clear that this code is mixing up 
2 different concerns and could be untangled a bit. I would suggest to separate 
this into: 
    1) checking if this is a new state (does the map contain the name string), 
this is like a inlined check in current calling code. 
    2) If yes, do the serializer checks and configuration magic and create the 
`RegisteredKeyedBackendStateMetaInfo`. this goes to a separate method that is 
called by the current caller.
    3) Request the column family, either by new registration or the existing 
one. can use the result from step 1 or recheck. this goes in another separate 
method called by the current caller.
    x) Optional: helper method that does steps 1-3 if we otherwise duplicate 
them too much.


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