Github user aljoscha commented on a diff in the pull request: --- Diff: flink-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/flink/test/classloading/ --- @@ -202,15 +204,27 @@ public void testCheckpointedStreamingClassloaderJobWithCustomClassLoader() throw Collections.singleton(new Path(STREAMING_CHECKPOINTED_PROG_JAR_FILE)), Collections.<URL>emptyList()); - // Program should terminate with a 'SuccessException': - // we can not access the SuccessException here when executing the tests with maven, because its not available in the jar. - expectedException.expectCause( - Matchers.<Throwable>hasProperty("cause", - hasProperty("class", - hasProperty("canonicalName", equalTo( - "org.apache.flink.test.classloading.jar.CheckpointedStreamingProgram.SuccessException"))))); - - streamingCheckpointedProg.invokeInteractiveModeForExecution(); + try { --- End diff -- Why doesn't the old code work here anymore?