Github user tweise commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -176,6 +179,16 @@ protected KinesisProxy(Properties configProps) {
    +   /**
    +    * Create the Kinesis client, using the provided configuration 
properties and default {@link ClientConfiguration}.
    +    * Derived classes can override this method to customize the client 
    +    * @param configProps
    +    * @return
    +    */
    +   protected AmazonKinesis createKinesisClient(Properties configProps) {
    --- End diff --
    Although it is theoretically possible to override the method and not look 
at `configProps`, it is  rather unlikely that this would be unintended. The 
user that ends up working at this level will probably be in need to control how 
the client config is initialized and the client
    is constructed, to make the connector work. My vote is strongly in favor of 
not locking down things unless they are extremely well understood and there is 
a specific reason.
    The connectors in general are fluent by nature and warrant a more flexible 
approach that 
    empowers users to customize what they need without wholesale forking. By 
now we have run into several cases where behavior of the Kinesis connector had 
to be amended but private constructors or methods got into the way. Who would 
not prefer to spend time improving the connector functionality vs. opening 
JIRAs and PRs for access modification changes?
    In our internal custom code we currently have an override that can 
generically set any simple property on the client config from the config 
properties. The approach comes with its own pros and cons and I think it should 
be discussed separately. If there is interest in having it in the Flink 
codebase as default behavior, I'm happy to take it up as a separate PR. I would 
still want to have the ability to override it though.


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